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2021-01-17 07:50 26098534 Anonymous AVAXbros how are we all feeling tonight? (bigchad.jpg 1000x972 110kB)
After todays events I'm feeling real comfy. How are my brothers in arms doing this fine evening
10 min later 26098723 Anonymous
down to $11 tonight
24 min later 26098987 Anonymous
Not selling
58 min later 26099707 Anonymous (1610797401799.png 1079x705 681kB)
normal correction my bro. healthy even. just wait for the AM when we pop.
1 hours later 26100574 Anonymous
didn't read; not selling
buy the dip
1 hours later 26100655 Anonymous
I bought more at 12.7 minutes ago, up to 60 avax. will be feeling good once it's up to 15+ buckaroos
1 hours later 26100757 Anonymous
It's crashing shit coin
2 hours later 26101165 Anonymous
Already going back up try next time fudder
2 hours later 26101239 Anonymous (lordlyhodler.png 570x852 911kB)
Only a few times in history does a man so refined, so intelligent, and so exquisite come to be. A man with a burning passion so deep he will not rest until he has changed the course of mankind for the better. Physically, he is just a man, but look closer and you will find he is so much more - he is a symbol, an icon of what to strive for and a beacon of truth in a land full of lies. If you follow him, and do not doubt in him, he will take you to the citadel. That man is Emin Gün Sirer.
2 hours later 26101305 Anonymous
>I'm 23 and only have 100AVAX
I missed the boat, you'll have to go on without me anons
2 hours later 26101328 Anonymous
Hoping for a major crash AVAX bros. Only a 150 avax stacklet acquired so far. Need MORE.
2 hours later 26101342 Anonymous
i'm at 120 and I think I'm gonna regret not buying more
2 hours later 26101444 Anonymous (B568E86B-7623-43B9-8B87-3B65B6BE6C4B.jpg 248x244 20kB)
Just bought 9 AVAX tonight. I found coinex is a terrible place to buy from because of the low amount of participants in the market. Decided to try Binance and surprisingly everything went smoothly.
3 hours later 26101714 Anonymous
bros....I want in so bad.....how tf do i buy in cad any leaf bros know how???
3 hours later 26101782 Anonymous (1610793162540.jpg 833x686 111kB)
My digits confirm a strong $16+ eod.
$22.27 eom.
3 hours later 26101808 Anonymous (390872986.png 324x244 21kB)
3 hours later 26101809 Anonymous
same, that's where I'm trading them.
4 hours later 26102692 Anonymous
sell signal
4 hours later 26102833 Anonymous
chadix discord shill group vs aavax discord shill group - can you make it more obvious?
4 hours later 26103212 Anonymous
5 hours later 26103271 Anonymous
Got my stack up to 200 now, im already 4x up.
5 hours later 26103753 Anonymous
I went balls deep at $8 which i thought was buying the top
5 hours later 26103869 Anonymous (1593106695579.jpg 1374x1416 1063kB)
>buy 1.8k worth two days ago
>it's now 3k
5 hours later 26103895 Anonymous
Get a VPN and hop on Binance.
5 hours later 26103999 Anonymous
Where's the energy at boys, this time yesterday we were booming.
6 hours later 26104943 Anonymous
The pump is over. Pack your bags, take the 20 bucks that Emin has promised you for spamming this board for several weeks. Good job. Wait until next unlock in march if you wanna buy more.
In the meantime, i have another gem for you: Radix They are working on a similar protocol. Their community is active as well, and their Emin is called Dan.
Next week Radix will demo a decentralized twitter to showcase that their code is actually working, even though the mainnet is not live yet.
6 hours later 26104986 Anonymous
Avaxers are known for calling every other project a scam and now, as we all knew, they are proven to be the real scam ahahahahaha good luck
6 hours later 26105015 Anonymous
>mainnet is not live yet.
another IOTA. Uppest lels
6 hours later 26105077 Anonymous
I'll admit the March supply unlock concerns me but I still believe in Avax
6 hours later 26105089 Anonymous
It's only radixfaggots who keep leeching on avax, They force this imaginary rivalry, It's their method of shilling their whitepaper shitcoin
6 hours later 26105138 Anonymous
>american market mostly closed to it
we're in for a big pump when coinbase list
6 hours later 26105145 Anonymous
Price pumped after previous unlock, It's nearly all stacked anyway (Locked coins can be stacked, currently 72% of all the existing supply is stacked).
6 hours later 26105177 Anonymous
it's 'staked' not 'stacked'..
6 hours later 26105216 Anonymous
Already priced in desu. When the price doesn't drop we'll see a euphoria induced rally doubling the price overnight.
6 hours later 26105237 Anonymous
Staked coins can still be unstaked and then dumped.
6 hours later 26105260 Anonymous
How can you unstake your coins?
6 hours later 26105323 Anonymous
so you think the price will just go sideways at best for next couple of months until the unlock?
6 hours later 26105412 Anonymous
based on what do you choose the node you delegate to?
6 hours later 26105471 Anonymous
Silly fudders. Avax is going to $100, then $1000 eventually. You will not profit nor take a single one of my coins. Avax is going on a run like eth and there is nothing you can do to stop it. This will be hold of the year for 2021, 2022+ and then i can retire. Its too bad that btc is tanking now making the market bleeding red but make no mistake, the Avalanche is coming. Have fun being poor, i will send you a postcard from the moon. Together with my Avaxbros.
6 hours later 26105482 Anonymous
Bought 2500 at ico. What am in for bros?
6 hours later 26105619 Anonymous
I'll wait till after the March unlock before adding any more. The opportunity cost of a couple of months' sideways price action is too high in this bull market
6 hours later 26105689 Anonymous
No, I expect it to continue to rise until the unlock, then we'll see an immediate spike up. After that the price will resume its unrelenting path to $1k.
I hope /biz realises they have been given a third shot at riches, following the success of Ethereum and LINK.
6 hours later 26105728 Anonymous
$2.5mm desu. Is that enough for a house and a new car?
6 hours later 26105831 Anonymous
I don't see it rising as a supply increase looms. Once we're past that event then price can resume
6 hours later 26105882 Anonymous
you can't until the staking period is over i.e. if you stake for 1yr today you cannot access your AVAX until 17/01/22
7 hours later 26106266 Anonymous
You don't need VPN in Canada for it.
7 hours later 26106270 Anonymous
Not selling a single AVAX till $1,000
7 hours later 26106293 Anonymous
Sideways action? Nigger where have you been?
You gonna get fucked sideways if you miss this appollo mission.
7 hours later 26106645 Anonymous
7 hours later 26106795 Anonymous
I’m just a burger wearing fingerless gloves and looking into your windows in the cold cold winter, while you carve your turkey
7 hours later 26106909 Anonymous (Dumping Hard.jpg 1055x67 6kB)
You expected it to go up in a vertical line? The daily candle isn't even red yet. Just buy the dip retard.
7 hours later 26107354 Anonymous
all proper muslim turks want to exterminate all non muslims
7 hours later 26107402 Anonymous
it did went x30 in a single week.
People should know when to stop.
8 hours later 26107679 Anonymous
from $4 to $13 isn't anywhere near 30x
it's 3x-4x
8 hours later 26107773 Anonymous
I'm a first time investor and I set up voyager this morning, got 5k in Avax cause that was the limit, wanted to do 10k
8 hours later 26107789 Anonymous
It's only x3.7 up in sats, When the correction happen it'll be short and small before we continue the run to 120K sats (ATH in sats) and then to 1.2M by eoy.
8 hours later 26107814 Anonymous
x3.7 from the bottom, not in a week
3.566 0.086