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2021-01-17 02:20 26089360 Anonymous CLEVELAND CLIFFS (1587502520902.png 1300x841 200kB)
Where are you faggot? are you liquidated yet?

0 min later 26089394 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-105748_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 385kB)
Fuck you nigger

2 min later 26089443 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210115-094432_Chrome.jpg 1080x1374 148kB)
Rebound coming Tuesday HRC highest its been since 60 years

3 min later 26089486 Anonymous
All in when cleveland wins tomorrow. It would be a pick of destiny

4 min later 26089506 Anonymous
>>26089360 What happened??

4 min later 26089507 CLF Chad (1610819424686.png 820x686 232kB)
Pic related

4 min later 26089511 Anonymous
>>26089394 >-$229,967 in 1 day Wew lad

5 min later 26089561 Anonymous
>>26089360 Love seeing Cleveland on this board

6 min later 26089579 Anonymous
>>26089394 you're shitting your pants for Monday I bet

11 min later 26089776 Anonymous
the cope is fucking real in this thread holy shit

19 min later 26090088 CLF Chad
>>26089486 Based >>26089506 Short attack on CLF >>26089511 Yep >>26089561 Based >>26089579 Nope >>26089776 What cope?

22 min later 26090159 Anonymous
>>26089360 you are going to be sadly mistaken. CLF is just getting started $40 by may

23 min later 26090204 Anonymous
>>26089507 But can they even produce more of their product with this meme pandemic

24 min later 26090236 Anonymous
>>26089394 You had a million? Why not cash out some of that, jesus

24 min later 26090259 Anonymous
>>26090236 He thought it would go higher because he’s a gay nigger

30 min later 26090498 Anonymous
stay poor

34 min later 26090609 CLF Chad (original_270739863.jpg 3024x2401 647kB)
>>26090159 This >>26090204 Yes >>26090236 We don't cash out until we get 5 million, anon >>26090259 It is going higher gay nigger >>26090498 No U

35 min later 26090637 Anonymous
>>26090609 currently coping in his boomer stock

36 min later 26090677 Anonymous (79721BFF-4B24-4FBF-B3E4-F6F006902333.jpg 259x194 8kB)
>>26089394 Imagine having not cashed this shit out and then diversifying $1,000,000 into ETH, BTC, and PRQ.

38 min later 26090726 Anonymous
>>26089394 What the fuck is wrong with you

41 min later 26090829 CLF Chad (original_274116162.png 550x1188 251kB)
>>26090637 No one is coping lol. At $50 I have $12 million. >>26090677 Imagine buying tulips >>26090726 What's wrong with you?

42 min later 26090881 Anonymous
>>26090829 i admire you CLF chad

47 min later 26091082 Anonymous
>>26090829 ok im triggered what is clf and what does it do

48 min later 26091123 Anonymous
>>26089443 what does hillary rodham Clinton have to do with all this??

51 min later 26091203 Anonymous
>>26091082 lol FUDding and doesn't even know that a) it's a stock and b) what industry it's in. shut the fuck up gay nigger faggot

51 min later 26091222 Anonymous
>>26090829 ive been with you greasy tranny since oct. cashed out most last week around 18. Going back in hard with 25k on leaps looking for $40 by april. I probably shoudlnt take financial advice from a tranny on a terrorist website with money i cant afford to lose but eh its funny and im bored.

55 min later 26091363 Anonymous
>>26090829 How did you find this gem?

58 min later 26091477 Anonymous
>>26089511 it's only 20%bitcoin dropped 20% the other day and normies and boomers panic sold

59 min later 26091520 Anonymous
>>26091203 obviously i know it's a stock you pajeet shill me as to why i should buy it over ETH or LINK

59 min later 26091525 Anonymous
>>26089394 Hiw did you hear about this steel company and decide to invest a lot of money in it to begin with?

1 hours later 26091586 Anonymous
>>26090236 Its funny you believe he can even cash out. No one will buy his calls

1 hours later 26091641 Anonymous
>>26091520 Literally no one gives a fuck if you're too fucking stupid to even 1 google search for what their product is. Fuck off and blow more of your money on indian rugpulls

1 hours later 26091684 Anonymous (1582681139190.png 785x847 353kB)
>>26091641 literally cope

1 hours later 26091752 Anonymous
CLF tranny is using you, you have been warned, don't be a retard

1 hours later 26091875 CLF Chad (1610689849701.png 1200x982 815kB)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EaePu0- fZ4o Just watched the new Arthur. I'm sorry for saying Nigger ya'll

1 hours later 26091923 Anonymous (alex jones_shocked.jpg 225x225 5kB)
>>26089394 >down $229,967.00 fug

1 hours later 26092205 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-105940_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 467kB)
>>26090881 Thanks >>26091082 Largest steel producer in America >>26091222 Hey man. I have $25s for April. You are in good hands >>26091363 CLF had 1.65b revenue sitting on 3b mkt cap for Q3.. no brainer >>26091520 Study history >>26091752 Rent free >>26091923 Yep

1 hours later 26092238 Anonymous
>>26089443 FUCK BRO WAGMI

1 hours later 26092266 CLF Chad (original_271092013.png 739x728 359kB)
>>26092238 Yessir

1 hours later 26092281 Anonymous
>>26092205 i have the same calls as you. im kind of scared lol. i hope you are right

1 hours later 26092315 Anonymous
>>26089443 I'm glad I bought the dip on EOD Friday. CLF to the moon. You're talking with future millionaire btw.

1 hours later 26092337 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-214723_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 485kB)
>>26092281 Based >>26092315 Also based. We are gonna make it bros

1 hours later 26092357 Anonymous
friendly reminder that CLF-nigger just wants you to buy his heavy ass calls

1 hours later 26092374 CLF Chad (Ere_puYU0AAJG7y.png 1242x1122 1972kB)
>>26092337 I did the math If CLF goes to $50 by July I have 12 million dollars lol

1 hours later 26092417 CLF Chad
>>26092357 Lol you don't have to buy my calls. The market will buy them as they go ITM, dipshit. I can cash out at anytime. But why would I cash out at 1.2m, 800k or even 600k if we dip to 15s Tuesday when I have the potential to make 12 million? I'll take dipping to 500k for a chance to make 12 million. Run it

1 hours later 26092449 Anonymous
What makes clf better than other steel manufacturers?

1 hours later 26092456 CLF Chad
>>26092417 Also I must add, that's a IF we dip more. Rose 1.5% AH

1 hours later 26092483 Anonymous (1610699372671.png 1553x1247 2995kB)
>>26092417 >I can cash out at anytime

1 hours later 26092507 CLF Chad
>>26092449 They own AK Steel and ArcelorMittal USA They own the only electrical Steel plants in all of America They are on track for a 6th earnings beat in a row for February Pro-Forma company revenue with all M&A now sits at 17b with Steel at the highest its been in a long time, HRC being the highest its been since the 1960s

1 hours later 26092532 Anonymous (1585801522794.jpg 736x638 76kB)
>>26089360 >>26089394 >>26089443 Man with how crypto oriented /biz/ is most of the time, it's cool to see a chad make it on the stock market. Keep it up CLF chad. >>26092449 It's one of the biggest companies in the industry, if you were going to invest in this sector Cleveland Cliffs is the way to go

1 hours later 26092549 Anonymous (65D87413-B245-4814-9F3D-340E702EB0C6.jpg 1170x1256 232kB)
>>26092456 Did I fuck up? Would be nice if it prints green this week so I can bet it again

1 hours later 26092568 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-215352_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 324kB)
>>26092483 This retard doesn't understand how calls work lol >>26092532 Thanks brother.

1 hours later 26092575 Anonymous (1610564765913.jpg 1080x2400 325kB)
>>26091363 His brother works for the company and told him to buy LEAPs, he didn't DD for shit. FBI is coming Cleveland F. Tranny and you're going to prison. Here's hoping you panic sold that REFR when it opened at 3.6 the day after you posted this

1 hours later 26092598 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-215516_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 421kB)
>>26092549 I have some $22s. You are in good hands. Don't fall for the shakeouts

1 hours later 26092667 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-215721_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 283kB)
>>26092575 Nice LARP but I don't have a brother. I wish I had a big brother like Eddy from Ed Edd n' Eddy lol. Suck my fucking dick nigger. REFR is a good company but I'm still mostly in CLF btw :)

1 hours later 26092679 Anonymous (IMG_20210116_185627.jpg 1080x588 74kB)

1 hours later 26092719 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-215905_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 349kB)
>>26092679 Man I feel your pain bro. From 1.2m to...

1 hours later 26092752 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-215937_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 343kB)
>>26092719 Here CLF needs to get back up there man. They fucking rugpulled the calls I bought in 18s. I'm not selling SHIT though

1 hours later 26092848 Anonymous
So go long until china's hunger for steel slows down?

1 hours later 26092868 CLF Chad
>>26092848 It's unsatiable dude

1 hours later 26093224 Anonymous
screencapped the thread, this will go down in history

1 hours later 26093266 CLF Chad (S6MVbOr.jpg 1920x1080 171kB)
>>26093224 I either make 12 million or lose it all. Stay tuned. (I'm not losing it all)

1 hours later 26093280 Anonymous
>>26089579 > Monday anon, I'm not from USA and even I know that it's celebrating the death of black person from Uganda. No trade on Monday.

2 hours later 26093365 Anonymous
Can he cash out?

2 hours later 26093386 Anonymous
>>26093280 oh fuck, it's King N day, markets closed lol

2 hours later 26093404 Anonymous
>>26093365 yes he can sell the contract to someone else before expiry and cash out

2 hours later 26093469 Anonymous
>>26093280 >Uganda I'm pretty sure he was black, not mexican

2 hours later 26093474 Anonymous
>>26093386 So someone has to buy this million dollar thing from him? Why should they if it can fall and crash

2 hours later 26093559 Anonymous
>>26092868 And why is that?

2 hours later 26093604 Anonymous
If you don’t put all your money into PLTR on Tuesday (thanks MLK), you’re ngmi

2 hours later 26093612 Anonymous
what are calls, is it basically predicting price will go up to $X by Y date? what if it goes up but not all the way

2 hours later 26093641 Anonymous (GHIV.jpg 1197x988 225kB)
Fuck Niggers

2 hours later 26093742 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-223248_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 370kB)
>>26093365 >>26093404 >>26093559 >>26093612 Okay so with these I have the right to buy CLF at $10 before 2023 So if CLF goes to $50 I have $40 profit on 15,000 shares If CLF goes to $100 I have $90 profit on 15,000 shares. Do you see how this works? Options give you the right to buy the underlying asset at the strike price before expiration

2 hours later 26093748 Anonymous
>>26093612 Investopedia is your friend, I don't think you'll come to an understanding from here

2 hours later 26093786 CLF Chad (Screenshot_20210116-223554_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 457kB)
If CLF goes to $30 within a month just these are worth 1m lol

2 hours later 26093798 Anonymous
>>26093612 If the stock goes up at a faster pace than time the value of the contract goes up, if the stock goes down, crabs, or doesn't go up fast enough the value goes down

2 hours later 26093808 Anonymous
How much capital did you start with?

2 hours later 26093822 Anonymous
>>26093742 CLF is not going to $50 you absolute fucking mongoloid.

2 hours later 26093829 Anonymous (79876945.jpg 400x400 21kB)
>>26092417 based

2 hours later 26093951 Anonymous
>>26093612 It’s literally gambling. I can relate it to sports. Not only are you betting on the Lakers to win. You’re betting they’ll win by 7 points. So yeah, you’re betting that say GME will be worth $40 by Feb 12 (options always expire on Friday). The further out, the higher the premium. If a stock is doing well on a particular day, price skyrockets, if it’s shitting the bed, price dives down. The closer to the date, the more worthless the contract is if it’s below the target price. You can never lose more then you put in with options.

2 hours later 26093955 CLF Chad (1607788506667.png 648x724 93kB)
>>26093808 100k >>26093822 HAH! CLF should already be at $30 you fucking braindead retard! Why don't you read a little https://www.amm.com/Article/3970637 /HRC-index-hits-all-time-high-of-58 cwt.html >The current index has blown past the previous high-water mark of $56.25 per cwt logged in May 2008. The price now stands at its highest level ever recorded since Fastmarkets started covering this segment of the domestic steel market in 1960. What happened in 2008??

2 hours later 26093992 CLF Chad
>>26093955 By the way, what happened in 2008? >>26089507 >>26089507 >>26089507 LOL

2 hours later 26094010 Anonymous (hex.jpg 1000x1000 135kB)
>>26091520 >bviously i know it's a stock you pajeet >shill me as to why i should buy it over ETH or LINK I am an Eth maximalist, 100+ Eth. I could explain to you why CLF is a better investment than either right now but I hope you lose all your fgt money you retard so I won't. Fuck off you idiot.

2 hours later 26094043 Anonymous
Ok I believe you CLF nigger i will buy $3,000 worth of calls Tuesday thank you sir

2 hours later 26094064 Anonymous
>>26093742 >>26093748 >>26093798 >>26093951 thanks for the responses I think i'll do some more research before tuesday. i started crypto a month ago just doing basic buy and hodl and now i want to diversify with stocks as well. plus smg threads look very comfy

2 hours later 26094100 Anonymous
>>26093742 im about to buy a couple calls and ride it with you my nigga is there any specific date and price you reccomend? I know nothing about CLF or steel

2 hours later 26094145 Anonymous (EEB601D7-9D42-4286-8DE4-D4DDA5856F05.jpg 1125x1794 490kB)
>>26089394 I like options but you just can’t sit in that shit. Pic related. When I lost 50% it was ok I could come back from that with options I’ve been fucked so many times on trying to cash out

2 hours later 26094169 Anonymous
>>26094145 I did buy 3 feb 14 calls on clev cliff tho Bc of you. Down 40% in 2 days.

2 hours later 26094175 Anonymous (retard.png 866x900 96kB)
>>26092483 >>I can cash out at anytime I am embarrassed for you. How are you on /smg/ without knowing the most basic of info. /biz/ really is a fucking shitshow since the crypto bullrun. I had a newfag today arguing with me about what a 1x in crypto means. God it fucking hurts.

2 hours later 26094245 Anonymous
>>26094064 Calls make you a millionaire. They can also wipe out all your gains.

2 hours later 26094273 CLF Chad
>>26094100 Buy July $25s or leaps dawg. >>26094175 Options are liquid you fucking idiot. How do you think Tesla options get traded all day? Absolute retard

2 hours later 26094308 Anonymous
>>26094175 damn I hope you told him it means doubling the amount what did he tried to tell you?

2 hours later 26094330 Anonymous (Glitch01-01.jpg 6000x3375 659kB)
>>26089360 Sir this is a Glitch thread now.

2 hours later 26094370 Anonymous
>>26094064 >thanks for the responses I think i'll do some more research before tuesday. i started crypto a month ago just doing basic buy and hodl and now i want to diversify with stocks as well. plus smg threads look very comfy /smg/ is literally the only thread worth while on /biz/ right now. I am honestly scared for you if crypto is new and you are getting advice on 4chan. The majority of crypto threads are shitcoin pajeet scams and all these newfags coming to invest their money are going to lose it all because they lack the most basic knowledge of the Crypto market.... Do you even want to tell me what you invested in and at what price? I will probably make fun of you but honestly your not going to get better advice then right now.

2 hours later 26094372 Anonymous
>>26093955 >>26093992 alright i looked at the chart again. ill buy 21st Jan 2022 $20.00 Call on monday. when do they post earnings?

2 hours later 26094418 Anonymous
>>26094273 >Options are liquid you fucking idiot. How do you think Tesla options get traded all day? Absolute retard That was a reply to the nigger who did not understand options you faggot. Not you.

2 hours later 26094462 Anonymous
>>26094308 10%... then he posted a calculator picture with the "Maths" for proof. Sigh... you can't even help retards when you try so I don't anymore.

2 hours later 26094511 Anonymous
>>26094372 >ill buy 21st Jan 2022 $20.00 Call on monday. Go further out man. I know it sucks because it's more money but in such a short time frame your chances at losing are exponential. My last CLF call expired the day before the huge spike. If I was not such a cheapfag I would have made an extra $2,000+.

2 hours later 26094538 Anonymous
>>26094372 >ill buy 21st Jan 2022 Shit sorry did not see the 2022. Disregard.

2 hours later 26094604 Anonymous
Watching this guy kill himself after a few months of shitting up /biz/ will be pretty gud.

2 hours later 26094647 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210116-230151_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 384kB)
>>26094370 My current portfolio. I started late on grt and prq so I ended up in the red for a while, but now I'm up 4k. I do try DD so its not all blind faith

2 hours later 26094696 Anonymous
Kek, you're going to lose everything dipshit because of Biden administration. No one is going to buy American steel, dumb fuck.

2 hours later 26094767 CLF Chad
>>26094245 This. Depends on underlying asset movement

2 hours later 26094794 Anonymous (1610498374195.webm 720x1280 1917kB)
>>26089394 CLF chad I bought 12 16 dollar 3/19 CLF calls. I am down 20 percent I also have a 3/19 20 call. Should I roll these into longer dates or will it be fine?

2 hours later 26094849 CLF Chad (original_269880211.png 1200x675 87kB)
>>26094696 Hunter Biden, please put down the pipe. Infrastructure is coming

2 hours later 26094889 Anonymous
>>26094767 Is this an earnings play at all or more a demand play? I am pretty poor do you think 10x FEB 29th 22.5call might pay off huge?

3 hours later 26094979 Anonymous (Never let evil take root.jpg 1024x576 110kB)
>>26094647 Oof :( he fell for the GRT PRQ Pajeet PND. I bought some GRT on release then sold it the next day for profit. It has dumped since then. You are kinda fucked for now since your bag holding. There is a chance GRT/PRQ will pump a little if we hit alt season in the next month or two. If that does happen you should sell at least 50% to max depending on how hard you want to gamble. Let me give you some really good advice you are not going to get anywhere else regarding crypto. Tech MEANS ABSOLUTE SHIT. The GRT is the future blockchain meme is a perfect example. You know what has the worst tech in crypto? Bitcoin. Markets are decided by normies and institutions. Neither of which give a fuck about tech until it is sitting in their lap and accessible. Now is a bad time to invest in BTC / Eth since you are here mid bull market. Wait 2~+ months for BTC/Eth to crash back to average. Sell your shit coins and start dollar cost averaging into BTC/Eth. If you want to gamble on shitcoins like GRT/PRQ make sure it's 10% or less of your profile.

3 hours later 26095142 Anonymous (C5FB39FA-690C-44C2-B12A-CE05AAF9CFBD.jpg 828x1285 332kB)
>>26094849 Put the BTC chart on top of CLF.

3 hours later 26095255 Anonymous
>>26090829 No you don't. You're quoted $12MM. If no one buys your contracts and the price dissolves ahead of expiration, it's gone. You are learning liquidity lessons.

3 hours later 26095337 Anonymous
>>26094979 This person is retarded. His ethos is ass backwards and his approach will lose you money. I’ll help the person since you gave the worst advice of all time. Buy 1. BTC 2. ETH 3. LINK 4. DeFi The Graph is solid too don’t let this fucking retard who thinks BTC needs to be high tech and change like a Silicon Valley. That’s why they keep missing in crypto. Bitcoin is king anon never forget this.

3 hours later 26095341 Anonymous
>>26095255 Do you forget what an option is? He doesn't have to sell it he could just exercise them himself. With 12 million in his account that should be no problem. If he is legit all in he may have to sell a few to get enough cash to start exercising though.

3 hours later 26095442 Anonymous
>>26095341 >$339 of BP posted higher in the thread

3 hours later 26095531 Anonymous
>>26095442 All he needs is 1k to exectute 10 c option. Then at current prices he will have 1600. He continues doing this until he unwinds all options

3 hours later 26095631 Anonymous
the pattern says 1000 eoy. calls are a bigger moon mission than btc, but btc isa certain moon mission and certainty is betetr than shitcoins that are optiosn traders

3 hours later 26095665 Anonymous
>>26095631 >CLF $1k eoy There is a zero percent chance of this happening

3 hours later 26095723 Anonymous (talmud.jpg 714x2801 368kB)
>>26095337 Man. You have really bad reading comprehension so i don't even know how to reply back.

3 hours later 26095796 Anonymous
>>26094979 >Markets are decided by normies and institutions this does seem to be the case. but crypto is still in its infancy in terms of its total market cap, when institutions really start to adopt crypto those tech might start to become more exponentially useful. i'll definitely start switching to btc/eth when their runs start though >>26095337 i had some in btc/eth at first but i figured if "alt season" was coming i'd try going for the next chainlink while btc/eth is busy crabbing.

3 hours later 26095876 Anonymous
>>26091586 You can just exercise the option. You won't get theta on the option but if liquidity is low and you can't sell at expiration you just exercise and if you don't have capital in your account to purchase, you just get the difference between strike price and the bid.

3 hours later 26095906 Anonymous
Did people on /biz/ actually buy this? Falling for pajeets shilling a shitcoin is 1 thing, but falling for a pajeet shill of a stock---even worse.

3 hours later 26096169 Anonymous
>>26095796 Depends on what price you got in Eth/BTC. Eth still has a chance to hit 2k~. Don't get greedy. You are risking all your money hoping for a 100x on an altcoin when you have almost guaranteed profits from blue chips. Like I said though. Bad time to invest in BTC/ETH since we are somewhere in the bull run. You might get lucky with alt season if it happens but I have seen this scenerio over and over. Anon buys alt coin. It pumps up and he can cash out for decent money. Does not cash out because "It's going to just keep going higher, I want more money". Shitcoin drops down to 0 and you lose everything. The majority of crypto has followed this path. Don't make the same mistake all the newfags do.

3 hours later 26096226 Anonymous
>>26095906 >Did people on /biz/ actually buy this? I fell for the CLF meme.... Bought at $12 and made some money on call options. CLF Tranny scammed a thousand dollars into my pocket. What a fag.

3 hours later 26096479 Anonymous
>>26096169 noted, i'll be careful not to get too greedy, will set myself a mental stoploss. if btc/eth does have a little crash that might be the time for me to pull out of alts to go all in.

4 hours later 26096541 Anonymous (7a89ff0ba113916be6462bf0524446db.jpg 827x1004 82kB)
can i get a quick rundown on why CLF is so popular right now?

4 hours later 26096626 Anonymous
>>26096479 Your going to make it anon. Good luck buddy.

4 hours later 26096706 Anonymous
>>26095665 But imagine if it happened

4 hours later 26096736 Anonymous
>>26096541 >CLF tranny has been telling people to buy CLF when it was at $5 >Majority of the board listened and made money >It dropped from $18 the other day to $16 >Newfag paper handed retards complaining that CLF is a scam after they bought high and sold low >You are here >CLF steadily grows in price over the next year. >CLF Tranny posts his 10+mil profit >People on this board still managed to lose money on CLF and call him a tranny shill The end. Going to watch a movie with the girl since I have been shitposting and nerd raging all day. Good luck Anons.

4 hours later 26096808 Anonymous
>>26096541 Newfags on /smg/ got liquidated by babby's first options play

4 hours later 26096854 Anonymous
>>26096541 Record iron and steel prices particularly HRC. Weakening dollar. Infrastructure Plan Extremely high Chinese demand and steel/iron trade tensions between China and Australia. CLF is vertically integrated which has worked out well for many other companies like TATA or Lakshmi. Both of which have reported 400% and 600% increase in profits respectively. Most of the guys who listened to the CLF tranny early have made damn good money. I am up nearly 400% on my Jan 2022 21C and 60% on my 25Cs. Were heading in to a commodity super cycle, they happen every so often.

4 hours later 26096896 Anonymous
>>26090609 >CLF forklift driver The ultimate meme job

1.380 0.134