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2021-01-16 08:40 26076719 Anonymous XSN $100 2021 (bullish.png 400x400 44kB)
did you get some MNs when it was cheap, /biz/?
1 min later 26076772 Anonymous
i have 10 masternodes, so yes.
5 min later 26076924 Anonymous
i am thinking about making a xsn themed bloodbowl team, but i am not sure what race would fit. also what color scheme i should paint em in
13 min later 26077264 Anonymous
13 Masternodas checkin in
17 min later 26077448 Anonymous (1593416926492.jpg 696x696 90kB)
almost to 12
it is an honor, lads
26 min later 26077780 Anonymous (6BD95001-6BC2-45A9-B694-3731455DAC7A.jpg 499x499 120kB)
Same anon.
Looking forward to tuesday ;)
wagmi fellas!
42 min later 26078465 Anonymous (alright now alright.png 800x670 355kB)
>tfw when most of this pump has just been XSN getting exposure and catching up with the rest of the industry and the real pump has yet to begin
46 min later 26078659 Anonymous
Hey boys,
Richie here again, just got back from tennis. Hope you guys are doing good.
48 min later 26078748 Anonymous
Hi Richie, good to hear from you again. Take care
54 min later 26079008 Anonymous (1610801729979.jpg 888x894 267kB)
good to see you here aswell
54 min later 26079021 Anonymous
1 hours later 26079736 Anonymous
Hi Richie what are you doing now
1 hours later 26079885 Anonymous
Hi Richie Rich when I make it lets smoke crack together.
1 hours later 26079961 Anonymous
23k single nodelet here, also a cryptobabby and poorfag, i picked up 18k in august around 25 cents and roughly 5k more when it dipped to 10 cents, kicking myself for not investigating crypto more seriously sooner, better late than never i suppose
1 hours later 26080135 Anonymous
Only 38k XSN so about 2.5 nodes. Will I still make it?
1 hours later 26080181 Anonymous
And if not, what’s the make it cut off?
1 hours later 26080231 Anonymous (1569764195518.jpg 1152x922 100kB)
only 1 mn here. will i make it frens?
1 hours later 26080285 Anonymous
1 MN is a suicide stack. 3 MN to make it
1 hours later 26080378 Anonymous
Get at least 5 nodes if you truly want to make it anon
1 hours later 26080483 Anonymous
Tennis is a fine sport.
once you get to 7 or 8, you get to the point where you can redirect your rewards into new MNs quick
1 hours later 26080534 Anonymous (dangerously based..png 404x543 311kB)
1 MN to make it is the goal btw
1 hours later 26081353 Anonymous
2 hours later 26081710 Anonymous
only have 1 MN. Am I going to make it lads?
2 hours later 26082044 Anonymous (1594249369368.jpg 1200x987 105kB)
went all in with my money in 2019 to get a masternode when XSN was $0.10.. so it cost me about $1,000. I stopped trading all other coins and just held XSN and got into the discord community and dealt with other parts of life. Finally my iron hands are starting to pay off. I started crypto in 2016...missed out on $300 BTC, $7 ETH and $0.19 LINK... I have ADHD and cannot survive in the normie world. Cracks in the system are the way I survive and crypto is a huge opportunity for me. XSN, specifically the Hydra stage will be a symbolic and literal victory for me in my life. This is personal to me. I'm not stupid I just cannot communicate well and thus I sound like a loon to other people. This investment is proof that I know at least somewhat of what I am talking about because I saw the success of X9 devs and the XSN project 2 years in advance.
Never Selling. Love you stakies.
2 hours later 26082055 Anonymous (unknown.png 402x675 568kB)
2 hours later 26082449 Anonymous
Sitting comfy with 7 MNs, sitting very comfy
wagmi boys
2 hours later 26082563 Anonymous
Two masternode poor fag
2 hours later 26082612 Anonymous (stakneetwizard.png 435x571 382kB)
Im drunk as fuck and just made this picture
2 hours later 26082889 Anonymous
You got skills drunk stakie
2 hours later 26082907 Anonymous (1609969083735.jpg 960x789 109kB)
Checked and Based
Good Job Anon, not the drinking part
2 hours later 26082980 Anonymous
kek i bought 3 2 months ago at 13 cents wish i didnt pussy and just got 10.
2 hours later 26083012 Anonymous
ill dsrink to that!
2 hours later 26083440 Anonymous
So we going to load this shit full of FUD once the 19th happens right?
2 hours later 26083623 Anonymous
You already know baby. IYKYK
2 hours later 26083646 Anonymous
why? iam personally all in so i have no reason to fud
2 hours later 26083775 Anonymous
Obviously so /biz/ can get more nodes under our belts and have a sweet fucking DEX to play in.
3 hours later 26084158 Anonymous
Duck no moon this shit
3 hours later 26084511 Anonymous
whitebit buy pressure is mounting. about to coom all over the orderbook.
3 hours later 26084632 Anonymous
We must burn the unbelievers
3 hours later 26084794 Anonymous
Very very nice
3 hours later 26084932 Anonymous
volume has fallen off actually
3 hours later 26084984 Anonymous
On board since 1st January 2017 (posw ico), so... What to say about..
Invested 100$ on day1 what gave me 100k posw, those where switched to xsn. I only invested 100$ and told to myself.. Let's wait 5 years, maybe this will make me a billionaire one day and I will write a book then: "how to become a billionaire with 100$ and 5 year time"
I was fallen in love with xsn and invested everything in it. I lived my live and every remaining cent end of month was invested in xsn.
Accumulated more and more... Totally now 25 MN.. Now it begins to payoff :) Do you think its enough for retirement?
3 hours later 26085038 Anonymous
Truly blessed and faithpilled anon
3 hours later 26085040 Anonymous
3 hours later 26085041 Anonymous
do you use xsn cloud or vps?
3 hours later 26085046 Anonymous
fuds not gonna work now.
3 hours later 26085118 Anonymous (20200908_185718.png 591x591 330kB)
believe in karma nd gimme some
3 hours later 26085144 Anonymous
Not true, the classic muh masternode FUD works from all the scares people had with masternodes in 2017. I'm sure there is other stuff that can be brought up very easily.
3 hours later 26085145 Anonymous
hey Rich! Terry here again, hope the wife and kids are good. Golf tomorrow? I'll have my assistant set it up and connect with your assistant. ciao.
3 hours later 26085183 Anonymous
lurk moar newfag
3 hours later 26085220 Anonymous
Checked but not based
3 hours later 26085251 Anonymous
Nigga wants to acoooomulate more
5.090 0.071