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2021-01-16 04:17 26066745 Anonymous (qg0bgrabsr761.jpg 960x913 218kB)
>dad is an investor >have been shilling him about buying cyrpto for years (I've only had small holdings) >always says 'If I can't understand it, I won't invest in it' >then gets inexplicably angry when I try to explain it >gets even angrier when I tell him he could've made 10-100x his money over the last years >finally with the last peak, sour grapes hits >sit down with him at his office to make 'a big investment' >immediately goes onto the eTrade and starts trying to google bitcoins stocks >gets angry that there isn't any >eventually find greyscale >I explain the financing positions and say that it doesn't look like a great buy, but it's a start >he goes back to searching random words into his stock website >tell him that he won't really make a profit unless he goes on an exchange and buys the crypto directly >gets progressively angrier >tells me that if these things aren't on the stock market, they're never really going to make it >turns off the computer and goes upstairs to his stessed out wife Are boomers children? It's moronic to vent about parents on 4chan, but old boomers seem to have the most narrow minded view of the world I've ever seen. Unironically seeing the lack of market knowledge someone rich and old had was a massive buy signal to me.

4 min later 26066883 Anonymous
>>26066745 >Are boomers children? It's moronic to vent about parents on 4chan, but old boomers seem to have the most narrow minded view of the world I've ever seen. yes they are, and you will be too in 30 years time

5 min later 26066911 Anonymous
>>26066745 Tesla, AMD, Amazon absolutely destroy BTC in the past 10 years. And the risk of buying stocks vs. buying digital tokens that no one actually uses is many times lower.

5 min later 26066920 Anonymous
>>26066883 I'm gonna need a suicide stack first.

5 min later 26066934 Anonymous
>>26066745 Imagine being the first generation to grow up with a brainwash device parked inside of your household that you spend hours a day submitting to. Of course their brains start malfunctioning when you start giving it any sort of outsider information.

10 min later 26067069 Anonymous
>>26066745 >If I can't understand it, I won't invest in it Is actually a pretty solid rule to invest by. If course he should realize all this stuff is out of his realm and take some more time to research it.

10 min later 26067072 Anonymous
Don't blame him too much anon. Remember that this exponential technology growth that occurred from the 90s to now is somewhat of a culture shock to them. Things are happening faster than he can probably react to them, and only people that were born in the generation of the information era really know what the fuck is going on around them. Imagine if you were to show electricity to someone from the medieval ages, they literally wouldnt know what to think about it, and would likely get angry or scared from not knowing what it was. If you want to be kind, buy some crypto for him and hold onto it yourself, then as you get the opportunity, teach him a little more about crypto, like wallets, the technology, etc. Then surprise him by showing him you bought some for him to play with.

15 min later 26067205 Anonymous
>>26067072 You're right, I should show my dad a bit more love. The thing is he's not even a massive dinosaur by anyone standards. He used to let me sit on his lap and 'play' Civ III with him. It seems like that whole generation just can't conceptualize new tech and got burned hard by the financial crash. I'll set aside something for him, one day.

15 min later 26067223 Anonymous
My dad found out about bitcoin when it hit $1000 the first time and asked me what I knew about it. He said “Anon, how do I buy me one of them bitcoins” and I laughed and said it was a bubble. It goes both ways.

16 min later 26067259 Anonymous
>>26066911 >Just pick the 3 best perform stocks of the last decade bro

16 min later 26067269 Anonymous (25121.jpg 700x437 13kB)
>can't explain what crypto and blockchain is to a boomer. Only tell him that cryptocurrencies are rewards obtained in exchange of computing power, it's value is obtained with the level of power. The same is "real money", its a reward obtained with human working power, and its value determined by humans. Some day energy will be the currency, Cryptocurrencies are only one step in the evolution of man, but it's better to always be up to date.

17 min later 26067301 Anonymous
>>26067269 That's a good way to frame it actually anon.

18 min later 26067321 Anonymous
>>26066934 t. smartphone junkie

19 min later 26067345 Anonymous (1398902255355.jpg 600x319 21kB)
>>26067269 Based and arbeit-pilled.

22 min later 26067447 Anonymous
>>26067321 Sure, but at least you have some locus of control with access to the internet, albeit less than you used to. And social media is 100 times worse than tv. But there is a whole lane of alternative ways to live being forged by faggots like us.

22 min later 26067457 Anonymous (1546254802858 (2).png 744x752 863kB)
>>26067205 I shilled part of my family into LINK at low prices (including my mom) and this actually prompted them to find more about the crypto space and get tech savvier in the process (setting up wallets, linking Coinbase to their bank accounts, installing and modifying different apps on their phones etc) and they are all very happy. The one dude that I couldn't get into crypto was my dad. My dad has never been the investor type, and he definitely didn't think crypto was worth anything. I shilled him one last time when he got a small inheritance (like $30k) 2 years ago and advised him to put at least $1k in Chainlink. He refused, which is ok. He bought a new kitchen and had the yard completely reworked, which is his passion anyway. It made him very happy. Every now and then he asks me about the price of Chainlink and is happy for me when I tell him. Some people are just content where they are I guess. When I make it I will buy off his mortgage and let him live in the house for free.

24 min later 26067530 Anonymous
>>26067457 That's nice to hear anon, my parents never got invested but they bring up bitcoin price whenever they read about it in their boomer papers and are happy for me too. They'd be pissed if they knew how much of my net worth I had in it though.

27 min later 26067594 Anonymous
>>26067447 Keep telling yourself that. You're definitely not a mindless consumer whore like everyone else because you occasionally look things up on wikipedia!

27 min later 26067612 Anonymous
>>26067530 >They'd be pissed if they knew how much of my net worth I had in it though Relatable. That's the thing though, at their age it would indeed be a severely irresponsible and dumb thing to do. As long as you're <35 and without children you can take big risks, potentially lose it all and still claw your way back up again. At a certain age that becomes almost impossible.

30 min later 26067686 Anonymous
>>26066745 >Are boomers children? pretty ironic coming from your faggot ass just from reading the greentext i can picture your autistic smug zoomer face standing in the corner and being all passive aggressive with your dad grow up. get out. there's literally no point in antagonizing your family

30 min later 26067694 Anonymous
>>26067457 Your family sound chill af. Congrats bro.

32 min later 26067749 Anonymous (1609595595166.jpg 1961x2482 537kB)
>>26066745 thats the opposite experience with my parents/ family. They all wanted to know how to get into bitcoin and I had no willingness to help them get setup, so I just told them about GBTC. Fast Forward and im stuck with roughly the same amount while they are minting $$$ and they think im ultra rich

32 min later 26067757 Anonymous
>>26066745 >dad is slowly dying >try to help him >he pulls his hand back >A-anons, how do I make my dad live forever?

32 min later 26067783 Anonymous
>>26066745 >Are boomers children? Yes. Boomers unironically got the world handed to them by the previous generation. So their life was all easy. All downhill. What do you think it happens when people hit a wall after having confused an easy life for their abilities? They get frustrated, because they are confused. They get a reality check.

33 min later 26067791 Anonymous (1542249106701.png 1082x695 515kB)
>>26067694 Thanks fren. Mom holds 1.5k LINK and has iron hands. I believe she may actually reach whale status one day with the way LINK is going

33 min later 26067796 Anonymous
>>26066745 >always says 'If I can't understand it, I won't invest in it' Based dad trying to imitate Warren Buffet. You just say "you know dad, WB lost 50 billions last year"

33 min later 26067803 Anonymous (Brejnev.jpg 640x436 85kB)
>>26066745 eбaныe зyмepы

34 min later 26067818 Anonymous
>>26066745 He get mad because he don’t want you wasting your time on make belive fantasy coins and to get a real job like a real man, and leave a real mark on this world. Get a gf and start a family, not be an autistic nerd who in on the computer all day

35 min later 26067873 Anonymous
>>26066745 Nice larp

45 min later 26068154 Anonymous
>>26067818 I fucked a catwalk model for a whole semester. Broke my heart a little.

46 min later 26068204 Anonymous
>>26066745 Every boomer I’ve ever known is arrogant and narrow minded and yes act like children. Crypto is not for them, it’s for the young. Don’t hold his hand.

47 min later 26068252 Anonymous
>>26068154 How was it?

55 min later 26068503 Anonymous
>>26067205 Civ III. Based

56 min later 26068569 Anonymous
>>26068252 Pretty soft boi behaviour. I'd nearly been killed in Tajikistan trying to buy hash on a roadtrip over summer and people were asking me about it at a college party. We were in a few semesters and I started talking to the girl about it, drinking a few beers in this little shed. Kind of got the vibe that she had been abused or something, but was really smart. Just sort of an instinct. She sent me a text the next morning saying she'd like to see me, we date, go back and forth for a few months (I'm functionally homeless living in a building site with a fat gay builder who keeps hitting on me) and then she leaves for America. I date one of her friends for a bit, and when she gets back, it's on ice. Go back and forth again and she tells me she got raped. At this point, she would kind of trip in and out of conversations and when we'd sleep together, she'd have night terrorrs. So I just give her a hug and tell her we should be friends. It was clear - too - that she was in love with someone she'd met abroad. Women are a little nuts though - I started dating my roomate a few weeks later and when she found out, she was devestated, literally crying all over the floor. She's gone back to America now and texts me occasionally. I think she feels a bit guilty, but, desu, I'm just glad I got to fuck a model for a while and wasn't a chad about it.

59 min later 26068653 Anonymous
>>26066911 No they didn't. Even Tesla barely did a x200 compared to Bitcoin's x100,000. The other stocks you mentioned did even worse.

1 hours later 26068802 Anonymous
>>26066745 not really anon, seems like your dad just doesn't respect you and lacks humility. i persuaded my dad to buy in about 8 years ago. he later owed me money for something and, when btc was at a lowpoint, decided to offload it on me as a repayment. i never sold. even with the current price action he's happy for me, and admits, laughing, that he was wrong. he sees my success as something he's proud to witness. i imagine he's also somewhat relieved as my path has been rather unconventional. regardless: the older i get, the more i realise how i lucked out with my imperfect but pretty fucking amazing parents.

1 hours later 26068829 Anonymous
>>26067686 He’s not wrong boomers are mentally toddlers

1 hours later 26068834 Anonymous
>>26067259 >just by the only 3 crypto projects in the entire space that didn't go down 90% bro.

1 hours later 26068969 Anonymous
>be me >in my 50s >made a living investing, currently have a small fortune >son's kinda retarded >always going on about some internet money and how he's gonna own a lambo from buying it >I already own a lambo lol >tries to get me into this >constantly badgers me about how I could be making more money >finally wife convinces me to put in a small amount so he won't throw tantrums >fine >sit down and go to the website I've used and trusted for years >this bitcoin thing isn't traded >what.jpg >son starts rambling about how I need to put my money on some chinese website to buy something that doesn't exist >when I ask how he knows they won't just steal my money, he says "funds are safu" >finally realize my son's trying to scam me >get up, go upstairs and fuck my wife

1 hours later 26068970 Anonymous
>>26066745 >>tell him that he won't really make a profit unless he goes on an exchange and buys the crypto directly Here his anger is justified. You're just so wrong, you deserve to be beaten and disowned.

1 hours later 26069045 Anonymous
Sour grapes sounds like your dad is a goober when my dad found out how much I had made with Link he started giving me cash to buy him “Link shares” kek.

1 hours later 26069048 Anonymous (EDSprPXUUAAg9Vl.jpg 470x470 29kB)
>>26068969 >>be me >>in my 50s

1 hours later 26069160 Anonymous
>>26066745 My dad bought LINK when he saw me make gains with it and I explained smart contracts to him

1 hours later 26069182 Anonymous
>>26067223 You're a faggot

1 hours later 26069284 Anonymous
>>26067301 No, it's really not. Crypto's price has very little to do with mining. Let me guess: you think fiat currency gets its value from labor?

1 hours later 26069417 Anonymous
>>26066911 Literal lies. Cope

1 hours later 26069606 Anonymous
>>26067791 Imagine having a link mommy

1 hours later 26069755 Anonymous
>>26066745 I would NEVER try to get my parents to invest in cryptocurrencies. The risk and tech involved just makes it not worth it. My brother was interested in buying BTC and I told him that if he still thinks it’s a ponzi-scheme or he doesn’t understand the tech, don’t invest in it. Why buy something you hate and is a scam? Just don’t, go buy something else, or else you end up buying high and selling low. I think it’s good advice for people. Either learn about the asset and why it’s perceived to be worth so much (which involves throwing away literally everything the MSM ha ever told you about bitcoin), or stay the fuck away.

1 hours later 26069772 Anonymous
>>26067269 Good explanation anon.

1 hours later 26069917 Anonymous
>>26066745 >Are boomers children? Yes.

1 hours later 26069959 Anonymous
>>26066911 Actual lies. Nocoiner fag

1 hours later 26070035 Anonymous
>>26067594 >thinking wikipedia is the extent of internet research Ok retard

1 hours later 26070063 Anonymous
>>26069160 based helper, I did the same

1 hours later 26070125 Anonymous
>>26066745 This isn't just about being a boomer, your dad has a bad temperament.

1 hours later 26070184 Anonymous
>>26070035 Nothing pisses a zoomer off more than suggesting that spending 15 hours a day staring into a propaganda rectangle might not be the best use of their time. Good luck with your 'research', you fucking zero

1 hours later 26070206 Anonymous
>>26066745 Boomer time is up. They don’t understand anything and will get left behind. They probably think AI and machine learning is magic

1 hours later 26070246 Anonymous
>>26066883 i am not sure, video games might prevent this behavior

1 hours later 26070252 Anonymous
>>26066911 >911 checked >past 10 years crypto will define the next 10 years

1 hours later 26070317 Anonymous
>>26066911 >No one actually uses Slowly getting market use. Even just to repatriate funds Hate luddites like this. Nobody fucking cared about Teslas or electric vehicles just two years ago. Everyone on the damn planet who isn’t a peasant wants one I even Nigerians talking about owning Tesla’s. Future is now loser

1 hours later 26070380 Anonymous
>>26066745 i helped my mom set up binance and she literally market bought a btc at 3k and sold and bought some once a month based on feefees and the price or so. i think she made 20k in total after pulling out at 15k completely.

1 hours later 26070436 Anonymous
>>26068834 They all go down 90%, some of them just come back up eventually.

1 hours later 26070553 Anonymous
>>26066911 LOL what?

1 hours later 26070631 Anonymous
>>26066745 What is the point of that giant scope on a double-barreled shotgun?

1 hours later 26070706 Anonymous
>>26067269 Holy shit. My explanation has always been comptures solving math problems first to solve wins, winner gets a reward more and more btc is transferred to the ecosystem. But equating human labor to computational labor is actually beautiful and real simple in understanding. Thanks anon, no joke it stunned me for a bit. Imma use this now.

1 hours later 26070852 Anonymous
>>26066745 Your dad made you and likely gave you a good childhood without fucking bitcoin. He's 100% right that if you don't understand something, you should not invest in it. Buy BTC with your own money.

1 hours later 26070938 Anonymous
>>26068969 kek

1 hours later 26071026 Anonymous
>>26070380 Yeah, sure she did you larping pos

2 hours later 26071068 Anonymous (Image2.jpg 693x414 43kB)
>>26070852 You don't have to understand anything. Its all there in the technical charts.

2 hours later 26071130 Anonymous
boomers are a generation of fuck ups. They were handed the most prosperous era in world history, and they pissed it away.

2 hours later 26071149 Anonymous
>>26071068 Oh, so you just need to understand technical charts then lol. Piece of cake, everyone on here has mastered all forms of analysis, right??

2 hours later 26071205 Anonymous
>>26071149 People who have refused to learn and apply technical strategies have been BTFO this year, while normans give their money to CFAs who do the technical analysis for them and pocket the fees

2 hours later 26071266 Anonymous
>>26070184 You are a fucking idiot and completely missed the point. Go rage on /pol/ you dumb faggot.

2 hours later 26071267 Anonymous
>>26066911 >risk of buying stocks vs. buying digital tokens Delusion. Stocks are regulated af.

2 hours later 26071298 Anonymous
>>26066911 >tesla amd and amazon absolutely destroy btc the last 10 years how is life being illiterate?

2 hours later 26071392 Anonymous
>>26066745 >bitcoins stocks >there isn't any hahahaha, OP you moron. Atleast now I know why you cryptofags arent buying cryptostocks for larger gains than the coins - cause youre clueless.

2 hours later 26071480 Anonymous
>>26071205 > You don't have to understand anything > People who have refused to learn and apply technical strategies have been BTFO this year I'm not disagreeing with your thoughts about ta, I'm merely pointing out how asslickingly stupid you are.

2 hours later 26071509 Anonymous
>>26071266 >Nothing pisses a zoomer off more than suggesting that spending 15 hours a day staring into a propaganda rectangle might not be the best use of their time

2 hours later 26071656 Anonymous
>>26071509 >Nothing pisses a boomer off more than suggesting that spending 15 hours a day staring into a propaganda rectangle might not be the best use of their time

2 hours later 26071697 Anonymous
>>26066745 nothing more worrying than old man with guns...

2 hours later 26071726 Anonymous
>>26071656 The old reddit turnaround. Clever! Maybe we're all being bombed with propaganda every day or something? Not you, of course...

2 hours later 26072017 Anonymous
There are BTC sympathy stocks like MARA RIOT which are up massively from December

2 hours later 26072093 Anonymous
>>26066911 >Tesla, AMD, Amazon absolutely destroy BTC in the past 10 years none of those have performed even remotely as well

2 hours later 26072169 Anonymous
>>26067205 Idk bro my mom is effectively technologically illiterate and I got her to invest a decent bit in crypto after like a 1 hour conversation. Youre either shit at laying out the value prop, or youre dad is a complete retard. Possibly both.

2 hours later 26072311 Anonymous
How do I shill my dad on crypto. He likes to just sit on most of his money but my family could make it with just 10 percent of his monthly salary

2 hours later 26072435 Anonymous
>>26066745 >Are boomers children? Yes. Intellectual peak is 25 years old, it's only regression from here. Also you should ask your dad to lend you some money so you can invest, he doesn't understand but you do, that can be a nice bonding experience

2 hours later 26072526 Anonymous (294E41AD-DB91-486C-8F64-EDBFBFD37C78.jpg 800x807 348kB)
>>26066911 ummm

2 hours later 26072631 Anonymous
>>26066745 We are all children, anon. Boomers are children who have been around so long everything is annoying to them. Happens to the best of us, some just hide it better than others.

2 hours later 26072688 Anonymous
>>26066911 >TSLA x200 >BTC x100,000 Nig

2 hours later 26072769 Anonymous
>>26070206 Computers are magic. AI/machine learning is summoning demons.

2 hours later 26072786 Anonymous
>>26071726 >The old reddit turnaround. Clever! The old reddit turnaround. Clever!

2 hours later 26072878 Anonymous
>>26072311 Ask him to borrow $1000, invest.

2 hours later 26072914 Anonymous
Yes boomers are fucking retarded. They are incapable of thinking outside the box, they absolutely refuse to change their way of thinking. They dont understand that the world has changed enormously since they were young adults and think the world works like it did in 1980

2 hours later 26072955 Anonymous
Imagine in 30 years when your kids are telling you to spend a few trillion dollars in some qubit cloud neural interface chits, and you manually type those letters into google archive trying to understand what they are, and ask your son if its like a blockchain and he just smirks at you and calls you a stupid boomer and toggles the jetpack control in his arm and flies off to meet his friends and inject legalised hallucinogens into his retinas.

2 hours later 26073064 Anonymous
>>26066745 your dad might just be an idiot. My dad figured it out right away basically and now is constantly shilling me ADA and Monero (actually pretty based, and Im pretty proud ngl because I just told him to buy btc)

3 hours later 26073716 Anonymous
>>26071026 yeah she actually put in some more at 25k but only 2k or so.

3 hours later 26073824 Anonymous (153-1530663_pepe-frog-crying-happy-hd-png-download.jpg 296x280 46kB)
>>26066745 You're underrating mommy's blowjobs son.

3 hours later 26073861 Anonymous
>>26066745 Sounds like he has quite an ego and doesn't like his son being more savvy, clued up and intelligent than him in this respect.

3 hours later 26073935 Anonymous (1607199583207.jpg 360x474 52kB)
>>26072169 Truer words plenty said yet truer still.

3 hours later 26074091 Anonymous
>>26066911 Black ID, ok.

3 hours later 26074140 Anonymous
>>26066911 ID "a fat bat"

3 hours later 26074218 Anonymous
>>26066911 this post is going to make no stockers seethe, but mostly because they are retarded. You are right, if you look at this from a pure time value perspective you are absolutely correct..no one wants to hear this though. BTC (unless you invested early) is now pointless. 0-40k is hard, 40-80k is even harder. You now have to wait for btc to gain another 40k for a 2x. If you invest in stocks instead using the same amount of money, youll achieve a 2x much faster. >In b4 u had 10 years fuck off dumbasses

3 hours later 26074298 Anonymous
>>26072955 This but unironically. I got my mom into stinkies around $10 (I only heard about it at $4 and I became a believer at $6). She bought like $2k worth, but then when they went down she traded them for YFI and now has much less money than she would have had from just holding the stinkies.

3 hours later 26074511 Anonymous
>>26066745 yes they regress with age

3 hours later 26074559 Anonymous
>>26073824 disgusting coomer

3 hours later 26074659 Anonymous
>>26074218 You actually had 11 years dumb ass

3 hours later 26075320 Anonymous
>>26070317 >Everyone on the damn planet who isn’t a peasant wants one I don't want a shitty car that has a third of the range, half of the top speed, double the weight and has nothing to boast about but "m-muh green" and "m-muh 0-60" Teslas especially have terrible build quality

3 hours later 26075545 Anonymous (1500778413197.jpg 250x250 7kB)
>>26066745 Boomers are just afraid of stuff they can't understand. Everyone becomes more and more averse to high risk as they get older and that generation was the milquetoast we've had in a century. You can't sell the future of finance to someone who thinks they already have most things figured out.

3 hours later 26075636 Anonymous
>always says 'If I can't understand it, I won't invest in it' I mean, that actually makes sense. Don't invest in something you won't follow closely or don't understand

4 hours later 26075890 Anonymous
>>26070184 t. Forgotten gen-x'er that thinks they're basically a boomer because they listen to 60s rock

4 hours later 26075983 Anonymous
>>26066883 Once they have changed yo diaper, they don't want your opinion on money and sex.

4 hours later 26076207 Anonymous
>>26067223 Your dad hates you

4 hours later 26076265 Anonymous
>>26066745 boomers hate learning things, they have found wealth and success thier whole lives without ever having to plan, focus and gain knowledge in something, they just followed what society told them to do and they got wealthy. reality checking boomers that it was all just an illusion that we will have to pay for is why they are totally unwilling to learn anything new.

4 hours later 26076391 Anonymous
>>26070631 Thats a SINGLE barrel rifle

4 hours later 26076466 Anonymous
>>26066745 >>tell him that he won't really make a profit unless he goes on an exchange and buys the crypto directly what are you talking about? you can easily make profit by buying through grayscale. id be angry too if i had a brainlet son feeding me misinformation

4 hours later 26076541 Anonymous (4u33lq.jpg 500x500 54kB)
>>26066745 Here is your dad

4.101 0.217