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2021-01-16 11:38 26059391 Anonymous (1609947112573.jpg 355x355 27kB)
>six figure hell

6 min later 26059551 Anonymous
>>26059391 Please explain this concept. Does it all boil down to being ungrateful you only have six figures?

6 min later 26059555 Bengali Apostate
>>26059391 90k-110k hell is worse

9 min later 26059627 Anonymous
>>26059551 with 6 figures you have a sum of money that is large enough to be impressive to the middle class, yet too small for a lasting and sustainable life change i.e. you can't buy a house (unless you wagecuck and use it as a downpayment; but then that really means you're borrowing against your future earnings). you can't earn enough passive income for a living it is just enough to see the end of the tunnel, the freedom that 7 figures would bring. and it is large enough any decision you make is scary. losing 5 figures would mean a couple years of wagecucking. losing 6 figures is devastating to most regular anons hence 6 figures hell

10 min later 26059656 Anonymous
>>26059551 They can't put all on Eth and just wait lmao because they don't want to "wage" a second longer despite being young

11 min later 26059670 Anonymous
>>26059551 it's a purgatorium where you're still bound by the psychological shackles of wagecuckoldry. fear and uncertainty remain.

14 min later 26059728 Anonymous
>>26059551 Yes Anyone who already has 6 figures will most definitely be a multimillionare by the end of this cycle if they don't fuck it up. The real struggle is 5 digits where you think you can make it but it requires much more greed and risk which can backfire.

14 min later 26059747 Anonymous
>>26059555 >just hit $113k Here we go baby! Also checked

15 min later 26059761 Anonymous
>>26059728 >t. 5 figures you don't know and you won't know until you get there, at which point you'll miss the easygoing times of 5 figures purgatory

16 min later 26059782 Anonymous
>>26059627 >>26059656 >>26059670 Well shit, I recently crossed six figs myself. Greattttt this is what I have to look forward to. I can already feel the creaping dread of not wanting to lose it.

16 min later 26059794 Anonymous
The first 100k is the hardest. Don't give it all back. It gets easier after that.

16 min later 26059795 Anonymous
>>26059627 I'm not even at ten figure hell yet and you've already orange-pilled me. Thank you anon.

17 min later 26059818 Anonymous
>>26059761 I'm mid 6 figures actually, it's nowhere near as bad as it was with 5 figures, stop larping

17 min later 26059821 Anonymous
>>26059555 THIS. I'm dipping IN and OUT of six figure hell daily. It's the worst shit ever today it's 110k€, yesterday it was 95k$, this shit is agony.

18 min later 26059834 Anonymous
>>26059795 Having less than 1 billion dollars is the true millionaire hell

19 min later 26059867 Anonymous
>tfw only up to high 5 digits the scariest thing is that a single retarded trade 2 years ago cost me like 40k present day, I was fucking around with 2k thinking that it was worth the risk spoilers: it wasn't worth the risk

20 min later 26059896 Anonymous
>>26059627 >you can't earn enough passive income for a living you can: USDT staking on Waves, pretty stable 50% APY

21 min later 26059897 Anonymous
>>26059821 A combination of link, mvis and clf options put me over the top. But now clf is shitting the bed and im getting worried.

21 min later 26059905 Anonymous (1596360543663.jpg 900x862 119kB)
mid 6 figure hell is very bad, luckily I just passed it

22 min later 26059930 Anonymous (1610338636983.jpg 845x925 88kB)
>>26059627 I lost five figures on Friday. Not devastating, just depends on how high those figures are. But yeah, 6 figures truly is hell. 7 figures really is where big things start to happen - it just seems so far away, while at the same time it's so close that every decision needs to be obsessed over.

23 min later 26059935 Anonymous
5 figure hell. Not enough for anything or impressive to anyone, yet a wrong move and I would lose a whole years worth of salary. If I did I would essentially be going to work for free, every second there would be pain.

27 min later 26060020 Anonymous
>>26059930 >>26059627 Also 6 figs is enough to live on easy. in 6 figs you should be making about $100k p.a. if you expect to be a 7-fig chad, and with that growth you can easily live off of it while making massive gains if you live a modest lifestyle. t. no job and about $23k expenses a year

36 min later 26060195 Anonymous
>>26060020 >in 6 figs you should be making about $100k p.a. how?

39 min later 26060287 Anonymous
>>26060020 >if you have $100k+ you should be making $100k p a nigger what?

40 min later 26060308 Anonymous
>>26060195 removing from your crypto gains and siphoning it to your bank account.

42 min later 26060356 Anonymous
>>26060287 >>26060195 if you have $250k and above you should be making about 100k p.a and up. I'll concede that anything under $150k might be hard to live off of, but it would take no time at all to get that to sustainable levels.

46 min later 26060463 Anonymous
>>26060356 >if you have $250k and above you should be making about 100k p.a and up yeah sure. Reality is that you'd make like 20k a year on average. 100k my ass.

48 min later 26060507 Anonymous (1610341202483.jpg 385x390 95kB)
>>26060463 lol what? do you really think we're only making 8% pa? What an absolute cope.

50 min later 26060553 Anonymous
>>26060356 >just make 40% gains per year bro Fuck you, it is obvious you are lightyears away from 6 figures you don't understand anything Just making a PROFIT on your worth requires effort. You can also make losses if you're not careful.

51 min later 26060592 Anonymous (1610334222204.png 258x544 107kB)
>>26060553 Hahahahahahaha, you're fucking coping. I have a $250k stack. Just making a profit is hard? Are you actually retarded? Look at the YTD graph for ARKK, ETH, BTC, LINK, TAN, PBW, the list goes on.

53 min later 26060626 Anonymous
>>26060592 I have a $400k stack. Made it in 3 years from $4k. Arrogant boasting faggots like you will lose it all (that is if you're not LARPing in the first place).

53 min later 26060634 Anonymous (ayyapu.jpg 802x802 70kB)
>>26060553 >Just making a PROFIT on your worth requires effort. Midwit detected.

53 min later 26060645 Anonymous
>>26060626 You're proving my point. And I don't mean to boast, but you questioned my experience.

54 min later 26060663 Anonymous (24A2C0AC-A938-4A21-9870-1A8D3435275F.jpg 1118x1878 253kB)
>>26059391 you’ll get here lad, I’m waiting for 8 digits

54 min later 26060670 Anonymous
>>26060592 >I'm making loads of money in a bullmarket, I must be some kind of genius! Anyone can make money when everything is rising. It doesn't last forever. Talking about "p.a" when bullruns usually only last 1 year tops is stupid.

54 min later 26060672 Anonymous
>>26060634 Exactly this. It was this reddit mentality that held me back for so long. Overcoming it was the best decision of my life. Profit is easy if you do your due diligence

55 min later 26060692 Anonymous
>>26060553 Depends if you start at 100k then at 350k you take back that 100k than losing that 250k isn't really a loss. You can take steeper risks with that money too now that you've made back your initial investment 40% is feasible in the current market

55 min later 26060697 Anonymous
>>26059627 Six figures is like being the tallest midget in the circus

56 min later 26060702 Anonymous
>>26060670 There will always be sectors to profit from

56 min later 26060713 Anonymous
>>26059391 Feels so bad man, like, a sloppy 300k, fml. Is it over bros?

59 min later 26060787 Anonymous
>>26059930 Very true, especially the obsessing part. It’s all consuming, 5 figures was comfy, 6 was stressful especially mid 6, hit a ml felt good for a day then realised a ml ain’t enough to retire on where I am. Now coming up to 3 and it’s sinking in I’m less then a 4x away from my ultimate goal. The more you have to lose the more it consumes you

1 hours later 26060824 Anonymous (1508326086656.png 657x539 113kB)
>>26060507 >cashflow from crypto you're retarded af and new.

1 hours later 26060853 Anonymous
>>26060787 have you not moved any money yet into the real world maybe a property and at least 250k into stocks? maybe 100k into 5-10 year bonds?

1 hours later 26060877 Anonymous
>>26059821 Stop watching seriously. I have no way in place to view my portfolio on purpose though I know it's rough value in my head. Stop thinking of those swings as losses. It's a percentage move.

1 hours later 26060892 Anonymous
/biz/ made me rich but I don't know what to do with all that money

1 hours later 26060901 Anonymous
>>26060824 Did I say cashflow? Maybe it's you who is retarded bro

1 hours later 26060913 Anonymous
>>26059391 wait till you reach the 7 figure hell, that one is even more hard, not even talking about the 8th or the 9th levels. Better just call it a day now if you are struggling already

1 hours later 26060915 Anonymous
I just got into this and doubled 500 with LINK. What's the gameplan for 6 figures? I know it takes time but I dont want to be one of the retards who barely scratches 50k in three years.

1 hours later 26060932 Anonymous
>>26059391 You made me open my laptop to post FUCK YOU. I can open a small cafe for even 25k you tell me you cant make passive income with shit figures? FuCK YOU and fuck your bait.

1 hours later 26060935 Anonymous
>>26060020 23k fucking expenses a year. What do you even buy/waste payments on

1 hours later 26060942 Anonymous
>>26060853 I took 1.2 out in 2017, got a house, car and 350k between gold/silver and tradingcards . Also earn 26k passive

1 hours later 26060970 Anonymous
>>26060935 >What do you even buy/waste payments on Nothing. I have no desire to consoom. I make music and have a girlfriend who loves me, why would I buy toys for myself?

1 hours later 26061028 Anonymous
>>26060970 I think he is saying it's high

1 hours later 26061066 Anonymous
>>26061028 Well half of that is rent - the rest is bills, groceries, and stuff like travelling

1 hours later 26061089 Anonymous (1590795333753.jpg 852x479 86kB)

1 hours later 26061096 Anonymous
>>26060892 This. I am such an ultra frugal person now. I won't throw out reduced coleslaw till I've eaten it all and will plan meals around to ensure its eaten a day after it is stated that it 'goes off'. I have other ridiculous examples of the levels I have trained myself to go to just to save a penny.

1 hours later 26061097 Anonymous
>>26060970 >rent ngmi

1 hours later 26061098 Anonymous
>>26059551 The idea is to make as much as you possibly can. Now when you have 5 figures riding it out, it takes a while to reach the six. And low six figures makes you feel poor yet again. So it is hell, because you need to make it 7 figures. It is never enough. And that, is /biz/ I love it.

1 hours later 26061118 Anonymous
>>26061097 Why would I buy property at the quarter-mark to a mil? Doesn't make sense, fren.

1 hours later 26061150 Anonymous
>>26061096 I live next to a grocery store. I go for a little walk every night ten minutes before closing and do my shopping in the reduced section. Amazing the gourmet stuff you can get reduced by 90% and above

1 hours later 26061192 Anonymous (2019-12-10 11.44.14.jpg 320x400 21kB)
>350k impressive to normies but too small to change my lifestyle in any way. Cant wait for this bullrun to lift me to upper 6 fig hell for that almost-milly pain

1 hours later 26061221 Anonymous (1553108612701.jpg 894x894 174kB)
>>26060892 >>26061096 pls tell me your secret

1 hours later 26061225 Anonymous
>>26061066 >rent rentcuck

1 hours later 26061262 Anonymous
>>26061192 What are you holding?

1 hours later 26061286 Anonymous
>>26061225 lol I pay like $11k rent a year, it's nothing. I'm waiting to buy a house outright. Do you live with your parents or do you pay a mortgage?

1 hours later 26061288 Anonymous
How long does it take to escape 4 figure hell? I'm thinking of going in with 4k link, 2k rsr and 2k avax for a start

1 hours later 26061338 Anonymous
>>26059627 Well stated. The apex of six figure hell for me was when I hit $750k. That's when a poverty-tier NEET life starts to actually become feasible for the first time. There's pure terror at that net worth, I was freaking out daily about pulling out and securing my NEET life while I had the chance, vs staying in my shitcoins and hoping for the 2-3x I'd need to achieve true middle-class financial independence. Networth $2.5M now, with 50% pulled out of shitcoins and invested in boomer indexes, so I fucking made it in the end. That was a scary time for me though.

1 hours later 26061340 Anonymous
>>26061225 >>26061286 I agree with mr 40% p.a. here, rent is based property moves slower than crypto and the higher monthly mortgage is opportunity cost maybe if house market collapses again I'll buy. Maybe.

1 hours later 26061458 Anonymous
>>26061262 115k of BTC, 100k cash, 20k in a property with a family member, rest is alts (LINK, ETH, AAVE, SNX, SUSHI)

1 hours later 26061543 Anonymous
>>26061458 Why do you hold so much cash? I'm about 90% in stocks, thinking of moving a lot into crypto though

1 hours later 26061647 Anonymous
>>26061543 lowers my risk profile. i'll buy more crypto if it dips hard, but im comfy in my positions right now. Having a 100k safety net means i can take more risk in other parts of my life - i.e. take contracting jobs rather than being on flat salary, and invest multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars in crypto.

1 hours later 26061717 Anonymous
>>26061543 personally i think the risk/reward in crypto is insane right now, i moved all my capital in stocks to crypto early 2020. imo, have ur portfolio looking smth like this: >60% BTC >20% alts (the ones i mentioned i hold) >20% boomer stocks remember the best investment is the one that allows you to sleep at night. only do this if you're comfy and can handle the emotions of seeing your net worth double then go -40% overnight

1 hours later 26061760 Anonymous
>>26061717 I've been following crypto since 2017. I'm not all that experienced, but I would think that the risk/reward in crypto is reaching pretty scary levels. Why do you think otherwise?

1 hours later 26061833 Anonymous
>>26059551 It's humble bragging faggotry

1 hours later 26061896 Anonymous
>>26061717 Also, if you just stayed in stocks, ARKK for example, you would have made a larger profit than if you were all in BTC

1 hours later 26061945 Anonymous
>>26061760 a combination of >the perfect macro backdrop for BTC & crypto to shine and >BTC's cyclical price movements Money printer, stocks at record highs, bond yields at record lows, people starting to see the negatives of centralisation -> movement to decentralised networks, global instability etc. Institutions starting to wake up to crypto, buying millions of dollars worth & more and more taking notice every day. and BTC's supply shock due to the block reward halving (not everyone subscribes to this theory, but so far it seems to hold) BTC becomes more stable as it's price rises, in contrast to every other asset.

1 hours later 26061976 Anonymous
>>26061896 there's no alpha in picking stocks, whereas crypto is so new that there's still so much inefficiency. Buy it before the hedge fund PHD's take notice

1 hours later 26061977 Anonymous
>>26061760 It always was a giant risk. Early adopters made a giant bet and it paid off.

1 hours later 26062014 Anonymous
>>26061976 That's a good point

2 hours later 26062353 Anonymous
>>26061096 Unironically the same as well. /biz/ literally opened my eyes to see how far $100-$1000 goes in as a little as 12 months. I stopped renting around March last year (paying $385 p/w) I literally live out of my 1999 Landcruiser that I converted into a camper, roadtripping everywhere. I go for a surf every morning, I catch my dinner every afternoon going on a nice leisurely fish that I cook on a BBQ or over a fire. then balls deep into a qt European backpacker who travels with me for a few weeks/months. I literally get more chicks being effectively homeless, than stuck to a desk paying $385 to hang around a place for 8-10 hours a day, doing the bullshit rituals of dating and catching up to life 2 days a week. Frugal as fuck and happier for it, what wizardry is this shit?

2 hours later 26062358 Anonymous
>>26060697 kek, seems accurate

2 hours later 26062668 Anonymous
>>26059391 um how exactly did you only make 6 figures? was it something of the oracles like link or DIA? must know

2 hours later 26062781 Anonymous
>made $12k from $500 I have 500 LINK and 1 ETH. I won’t sell or swing LINK. I don’t know how else to increase this stack without more fiat

2 hours later 26062942 Anonymous
>>26059627 this is total bullshit. you can quit your job now, and before youve burned through 10% of your savings we’ll be in the 2025 bullrun and the other 90% will 10x.

2 hours later 26063221 Anonymous
>>26061221 I spend 4-5 hours on this board every day. Those people were doing that 2-4 years ago.

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