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2021-01-16 04:16 26048181 Anonymous (1610744920200.png 384x384 451kB)
0 min later 26048212 Anonymous
I sold at $22. How fucked am I?
0 min later 26048215 Anonymous
0 min later 26048216 Anonymous
1 min later 26048240 Anonymous
1 min later 26048251 Anonymous (1610745190276.jpg 334x739 101kB)
bought more at 21
1 min later 26048267 Anonymous (WHATTHEFUCKWASTHAT.gif 380x380 3643kB)
2 min later 26048272 Anonymous (1601617902685.jpg 1011x1024 181kB)
Is it bad that I feel like buying even more?
3 min later 26048304 Anonymous
Sell your ass on the streets stupid nigger
4 min later 26048345 Anonymous
if it hits $25 ill cry coom and shit myself at the same time
4 min later 26048347 Anonymous (1560065850821.png 334x506 252kB)
perfectly normal
4 min later 26048353 Anonymous (1594808688808.jpg 777x777 689kB)
4 min later 26048357 Anonymous (think.jpg 400x400 23kB)
is it bad to like making money???
4 min later 26048364 Anonymous
Buy more retard that’s what everyone else is doing
5 min later 26048371 Anonymous
$30 is my mental resistance if this shit don't drop. If we get there shortly, I will get all my money on this immediately.
5 min later 26048382 Anonymous
I did the same
5 min later 26048397 Anonymous
There is a reason the number is going up right now. Im buyeding
6 min later 26048407 Anonymous (1605134365321.gif 360x346 174kB)
>those fags that sold at 8 dollars
6 min later 26048416 Anonymous
6 min later 26048420 Anonymous (1607880897317.jpg 400x711 42kB)
real marines never leave
6 min later 26048426 Anonymous (1586325876586.jpg 498x617 55kB)
every time
6 min later 26048431 Anonymous
been buying for 2.5 years. $20 is where I stop. Damn bros...I may have bought my last linkies....
6 min later 26048434 Anonymous
We're in price discovery. If you are still unsure this breakout is real maybe consider buying at 25 if now right now.
6 min later 26048436 Anonymous
is it too late to get in on this shit coin?
7 min later 26048447 Anonymous (WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.png 632x517 110kB)
7 min later 26048456 Anonymous
Just double my stack, now I've got 26, we're all going to make it :)
7 min later 26048470 Anonymous
extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds. I love this feeling. 5min til $23
8 min later 26048507 Anonymous (1599421945230.png 1000x1000 1218kB)
9 min later 26048517 Anonymous
Ya we’re full sorry
9 min later 26048527 Anonymous (011521.png 170x87 4kB)
just getting warmed up
9 min later 26048531 Anonymous (1610402579598.png 440x359 117kB)
there's always another coin just around the corner
10 min later 26048551 Anonymous
Should I buy this or avax? I have a few thousand bucks to invest
10 min later 26048558 Anonymous
how to buy this shit coin?
11 min later 26048574 Anonymous
11 min later 26048584 Anonymous (1610670247844.jpg 786x618 128kB)
I'm clenching, this is uncharted territory. Still not selling, but where did this pump even come from frens?
11 min later 26048586 Anonymous
I'm about to place an order on Gemini but it says:
>Available for withdrawal 4-5 business days
Does this mean I can't sell until 4-5 days pass???
11 min later 26048587 Anonymous
Coinbase is probably fastest
11 min later 26048602 Anonymous
Hello top buyer.
Create a coinbase account.
12 min later 26048604 Anonymous (50A6AE75-4FA0-4EBE-9D9F-04F4C59B7F49.gif 240x240 2077kB)
12 min later 26048610 Anonymous
do you want stinky or no
12 min later 26048621 Anonymous (523-5234979_452kib-1024x1024-apu-apustaja-balloon-sad-apu-clipart.png 966x923 453kB)
im late frens. is link ever going to hit 1k?
13 min later 26048639 Anonymous
13 min later 26048646 Anonymous
by the end of the hour, yes
14 min later 26048691 Anonymous
Just sold at 22.25, bought in two days ago with 15 and basically doubled at this point..going back to BTC before this run dries up. Solid gains for two days
16 min later 26048738 Anonymous (based corporation.png 2000x1000 2679kB)
congrats, ygmi
18 min later 26048776 Anonymous
18 min later 26048782 Anonymous
Holding my 50k LINK since 2017, assumed it was a suicide stack at the time. It's a make it stack now.
My heart is pounding. Can't wait for $100.
18 min later 26048789 Anonymous
18 min later 26048795 Anonymous (20210115_223101.jpg 951x576 67kB)
Move over grandpa, the young BVLL has arrived
19 min later 26048821 Anonymous
Bull flag from yesterday
21 min later 26048869 Anonymous
Send good feels please and ty.
21 min later 26048885 Anonymous (682abb966a0312393cbda4427da56ce2.png 604x557 84kB)
You know what fuck you guys
24 min later 26048961 Anonymous
lmao you are either larping or a moron because spending 10k on a random shitcoin ranked 212 on CMC is never required to develop a "suicide stack"
26 min later 26049018 Anonymous
Bunch of school projects on his github...pajeet doesn't work for swift.
30 min later 26049145 Anonymous
luckiest mf on earth, WAGMI :)
31 min later 26049169 Anonymous
No one wants that.
33 min later 26049231 Anonymous (7BD85594-D0B5-4FDE-ADD0-5A35DBA1231F.jpg 382x372 52kB)
The ones that sold at 18 last night are seething now
37 min later 26049396 Anonymous (1608374174642.jpg 1000x600 94kB)
Break the chain,link
Link 1500 eom
40 min later 26049479 Anonymous
based how many are you up to ?
42 min later 26049537 Anonymous
did you think we were just going to bleed sats forever?
44 min later 26049583 Anonymous
Both are good but I'm way more bullish on Link than AVAX which might even dip and take a while before it goes anywhere.
44 min later 26049602 Anonymous
Complete newfag, just bought link at $22. Am I retarded?
45 min later 26049630 Anonymous
Fortune favors the bold
46 min later 26049652 Anonymous (EWOK-O1XgAAtMjX.jpg 800x1200 218kB)
48 min later 26049712 Anonymous
48 min later 26049724 Anonymous
0 chance this is true
49 min later 26049754 Anonymous
I’m going to bed. What will my linkies be worth when I wake up again?
50 min later 26049775 Anonymous
short term (week to a month) yes
long term, add more zeros
50 min later 26049780 Anonymous
50 min later 26049791 Anonymous
Biz is back all is right in the world
52 min later 26049853 Anonymous
Anymore of these glitched out WTFWT memes around? I’d like to add some to my collection
52 min later 26049861 Anonymous
58 min later 26050037 Anonymous
$30 for me
1 hours later 26050129 Anonymous
In the grand scheme of things, u will do better then most
1 hours later 26050145 Anonymous
1 hours later 26050155 Anonymous (1610715359932.png 1182x642 141kB)
$100 link is coming. New fags will unironically be asking if 100< link is enough to make it.
Such it life.
1 hours later 26050159 Anonymous
1 hours later 26050236 Anonymous
>missing out on the link boat again
1 hours later 26050258 Anonymous
PLZ don't send anything to a pajeet.
1 hours later 26050285 Anonymous
its friday i thought sirgay was gonna dump it??
1 hours later 26050411 Anonymous
we must be grinding through some thick sell walls right now. price keeps chugging up with several small wicks
once we clear them it should be blue skies above
1 hours later 26050429 Anonymous
theyre just going to have to wait longer.
1 hours later 26050432 Anonymous
that's never how it works
1 hours later 26050469 Anonymous
hell yeah brother. DIAMOND hands holding these coins.
1 hours later 26050478 Anonymous (1607743408492.jpg 648x642 67kB)
newfag here, just bought 21.929063 LINK link for $510
1 hours later 26050528 Anonymous (LOL.png 656x596 638kB)
21 Link for $510
1 hours later 26050550 Anonymous
soon having double figure and triple figure stacks would be the equivalent of holding that in ETH
1 hours later 26050614 Anonymous
its play money kid... and i got lotsa play
1 hours later 26050619 Anonymous
honestly why the fuck is it going up so slow? DOT fucking ripped when it break ath. maybe the the longer consolidation will be better for moon time though
1 hours later 26050647 Anonymous
You've been saying this for years you hairless baboon.
1 hours later 26050729 Anonymous (1602961688289.jpg 563x503 21kB)
holy fucking shit lmao fucking boomer go back and maybe lurk more when your net worth is more than 100,000
1 hours later 26050755 Anonymous (1610255251387.jpg 675x900 80kB)
Mfw my linklet stack is worth 7000 dollars
1 hours later 26050812 Anonymous
If Link ends up at $35 I will be happy with my choice. stop being a hater
1 hours later 26050855 Anonymous
It all honesty, if u dobt have big capital I would just take yr 20 linkies and forget about em for 2 or 3 years. Yr going to have to hodl for awhile.
1 hours later 26050879 Anonymous
hello fellow 300 linklet
1 hours later 26050915 Anonymous (1596937323533.jpg 125x92 2kB)
1 hours later 26050925 Anonymous
oh nevermind i forgot about the classic LINK 'retest the 15min 20 ema every six fucking candles when its in an uptrend' pattern. see you guys back at $21.66
1 hours later 26050926 Anonymous
Kek i started DCAing in January @ 2 dollars. I was buying 50 dollars here and there all the way up to 15 bucks.
1 hours later 26050928 Anonymous
And link has gone up for years
1 hours later 26050962 Anonymous
same here friend, lamb soon
1 hours later 26051166 Anonymous
I going for the cybertruck but that after all my other financial goals are done. Ostentacious purchases that dramically lose value are only after you hit the 500k -1 mil range.
1 hours later 26051224 Anonymous
other day I was window shopping teslas because I half planned to sell half at 100, honestly I dont know if I could do it and see that 30-100k depreciating asset turn into a possible $1mil , would have to rope
1 hours later 26051225 Anonymous
Nice datamining post faggot
1 hours later 26051334 Anonymous (1565234441061.gif 600x782 3439kB)
what is that smell?
1 hours later 26051426 Anonymous
i bought 20 because I kept seeing the stinking linkers meme here, s
Traded half of them at 16 cause I fell for the schizo xrp meme :^(
1 hours later 26051490 Anonymous
Be honest, is it going back down to 13? I’ve been deluded so many times. What is different about this?
1 hours later 26051523 Anonymous
Why does it pump?
1 hours later 26051585 Anonymous (1581716066387.jpg 1124x987 985kB)
>tfw saw that candle and thought someone actually sold his golden ticket at absolute bottom
1 hours later 26051609 Anonymous
Exactly. A carisjust a money vaccuum so dont lambo til all yr other bases are covered
1 hours later 26051658 Anonymous
Perseverance wins over all
1 hours later 26051863 Anonymous
Don’t let these retards chase you off. Here’s the deal - LINK will unironically make people on this board billionaires if they hold long enough. $1,000 per token is in the cards. So you will get to sell at $35 if you want. This year for sure. Maybe even this month. But if I were you I’d just keep buying as much as you can, because you’re still early.
2 hours later 26052175 Anonymous
2 hours later 26053039 Anonymous (1610297364463.jpg 1055x733 382kB)
TFW Sold at 16
2 hours later 26053075 Anonymous (1607177654831.png 400x400 129kB)
The crash will he glorious
2 hours later 26053186 Anonymous
3 hours later 26053817 Anonymous (1597041001461.jpg 900x1227 412kB)
3 hours later 26054146 Anonymous
Please holy fuck I am 36 y/o and I need the money for my family. I lost 10k this week.
3 hours later 26054430 Anonymous (qtptj.jpg 400x400 21kB)
3 hours later 26054487 Anonymous
Where's /biz/ in Community section
https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ chainlink
3 hours later 26054562 Anonymous (A2518593-26BC-4EB3-AD43-5B7D8C4D218F.jpg 480x270 41kB)
>Tfw shorted at 19
3 hours later 26054678 Anonymous
What's your timeline? I've got a date in mind for $100 link and am curious if they line up
3 hours later 26054744 Anonymous
My net worth is in the mid 6 figs and I spent 2 grand on a 15 year old camry that will last me forever. Don't buy cars. That's an easy way to lose your money like a retard
4 hours later 26056119 Anonymous
Checked and comfy
4 hours later 26056288 Anonymous
You never learn, eh?
4 hours later 26056317 Anonymous
Surely the whales are merciful.
They will let back in the guys who sold at $17 first, right?
4 hours later 26056365 Anonymous
7.8 billion people, sink or swim
4 hours later 26056370 Anonymous
Guys what do you thnk? the chart of the sats will be at all time high before selling?
5 hours later 26056569 Anonymous
why does that think itll go up 1000%? not justified
5 hours later 26056626 Anonymous
5 hours later 26056675 Anonymous (1610767572106.png 999x335 165kB)
5 hours later 26056924 Anonymous
[Next year around this time] OR [within 6 months]
5 hours later 26057069 Anonymous
I wouldn't be surprised, but don't expect more than $50 by year end.
5 hours later 26057260 Anonymous
5 hours later 26057315 Anonymous
Kek does anyone ever actually believe this fud? $50 is basically 2x from here. If link doesn’t 2x even then wtf did it do this year?
5 hours later 26057380 Anonymous
Looks like it couldn't break the sat ceiling, sad
6 hours later 26057744 Anonymous
Market cap: 8.7B
Volume: 7.8B
I mean... I dont understand how this shit works but these figures are batshit right? Doesnt that mean a huge majority of the entire Link pool is exchanging hands right now?
6 hours later 26057809 Anonymous
how do linklets deal with the fact that if they hodled bitcoin, they would have made a bigger profit?
6 hours later 26057847 Anonymous
coping, it all will work out in the end!
6 hours later 26057988 Anonymous
6 hours later 26058150 Anonymous
I am buyded at 21,50$
Have 500 linkies now.
Plan to at least fucking double my money over the next few months.
6 hours later 26058161 Anonymous
6 hours later 26058186 Anonymous
Everyone else is, smart people are using their BTC gains to buy bank cheap (on the Satoshi ratio)
6 hours later 26058516 Anonymous (1610436042677.png 621x411 399kB)
Who keeps buyeding?
6 hours later 26058772 Anonymous
already crashing
linkies on suicide watch
6 hours later 26058902 Anonymous
What the FUCK you talking about?
7 hours later 26059007 Anonymous
still in the anger stage I see
7 hours later 26059298 Anonymous
Clearly not crashing, its at $21.93
7 hours later 26059357 Anonymous
another learned gentleman
7 hours later 26059363 Anonymous
No wait, $21.83
7 hours later 26059681 Anonymous (1589029810331.jpg 991x695 348kB)
No wait, $22.50
7 hours later 26059702 Anonymous
can confirm, only lost 20 bucks tho
7 hours later 26059712 Anonymous (link pepe 15.png 600x606 401kB)
7 hours later 26059733 Anonymous
7 hours later 26059745 Anonymous
>Market cap: 8.7B
>Volume: 7.8B
what does this mean sorry?
7 hours later 26059746 Anonymous
lets fucking gooooo
7 hours later 26059754 Anonymous
im gonna sell at 25$
Buy back at 15
7 hours later 26059756 Anonymous
can't even break 61k
so glad I sold at 120k sats.
7 hours later 26059812 Anonymous
shoo shoo maxipads
7 hours later 26059822 Anonymous
ATH again baby!
23$ in 30minutes!
7 hours later 26059829 Anonymous
it's joever
7 hours later 26059860 Anonymous
my linkies are now effectively worth $50 a pop!
7 hours later 26059874 Anonymous
Has anyone got that pic of the girl asking how much bitcoin the wojak kid has and he's holding a bag saying 'I-I only have chainlink'?
7 hours later 26059892 Anonymous
Glad you came back to your senses.
7 hours later 26059938 Anonymous (1570815534998.jpg 1242x1031 150kB)
BTC went 3x, alts will do even more. And thats just short term. Bullrun is on baby. Link will be in the hundreds soon.
>f 100< link is enough to make it.
People are going to be asking if sub 10 links is enough to make it soon.
7 hours later 26060045 Anonymous
>I half planned to sell half at 100,
Honestly retarded. Especially in a bullrun. Just hold longer and it will be in the hundreds and you can buy a tesla without losing out.
7 hours later 26060192 Anonymous
peedy poo poo
8 hours later 26061239 Anonymous
You know how long you had right?
8 hours later 26061331 Anonymous
Yes it is play money and its 21 link, which is why he is laughing. kek. Meanwhile we bought stacks of 2500 for similar amounts.
8 hours later 26061463 Anonymous (linkverse.png 1154x1154 1027kB)
8 hours later 26061584 Anonymous (1610679886142.png 877x634 516kB)
>have 10 linkies
>don't know whether to hold or buy more
I'm having a panic attack bros
8 hours later 26061644 Anonymous
100 stack reporting in. just bought at the ATH. can't wait until i 2x in 6 months.
8 hours later 26061669 Anonymous
Just threw 250 LINK without hesitation into a shitcoin that is way down and it wouldn't endanger my stack very much if that shitcoin dumps 90%. How does that make you feel?
9 hours later 26061753 Anonymous (btc.jpg 1200x676 98kB)
Which one do you guys use ? Coinbase or Binance? I am just curious
9 hours later 26061821 Anonymous
coinbase pro
9 hours later 26061855 Anonymous
This shit stable af
9 hours later 26061891 Anonymous
Similar meme energy in both camps but LINK is a bit more of a cult follow here with avax up and coomer.
9 hours later 26061923 Anonymous
I recently started coming to biz in July. Never knew anything of crypto. I kept seeing the memes for chainlink which caused me to do a shitload of learning in a short time. I now have 60 link. I also always pick up a few linkies a pay check to keep building my stack. So my question is simple. What will be links absolute all time high max out at?
9 hours later 26061968 Anonymous
9 hours later 26061979 Anonymous
Same, started to follow biz last few weeks.
Threw some money at LINK just outta the memes here and it mooned right after.
9 hours later 26061991 Anonymous
9 hours later 26062040 Anonymous
The price of a cup of coffee
9 hours later 26062097 Anonymous
Any thoughts on Lisk?
9 hours later 26062161 Anonymous
I have seen that meme number a lot.
9 hours later 26062394 Anonymous
>hundreds soon
9 hours later 26062421 Anonymous
link scarcity grows exponentially and it's usefulness is also exponential.
9 hours later 26062429 Anonymous
No, volume is counted for each transaction. For example, if link is $1,000 and one link gets traded 6 times that day, that one link led to a $6,000 increase in volume. Most of Link’s supply is dormant in whale wallets that keep accumulating.
9 hours later 26062446 Anonymous
9 hours later 26062468 Anonymous
Most people on this shitty board feel like 90's coked up traders when 99% of the crypto market is a one way market with bots selling for micro profits.
9 hours later 26062529 Anonymous
same story last year,
bought for 50 euro to test,
then my first 1000, tried to swing and panic sell so i lost some, then decided to hold, there's a good hold mentality meme around link, now i put a total of 5550 euro into link and have 1003.25 link, so now one year later i have gained 13000 euro at this moment, just hold and buy dips if you want to accumulate, and dont sell in a panic or too soon.
9 hours later 26062744 Anonymous
this very much, panicked and sold and bought again
9 hours later 26062764 Anonymous
>LINK will unironically make people on this board billionaires
lol nobody here has 1m linkies even if link goes to 1k
9 hours later 26062774 Anonymous
9 hours later 26062863 Anonymous
>Sitting on 1500 LINK I bought for less than $1 a piece
Get in before it's too late newfags
9 hours later 26062951 Anonymous (1596317205296.jpg 1000x1195 157kB)
Please go down, I want to buy. I'm so sorry for selling mr. sergey mr.
10 hours later 26063477 Anonymous
>So you will get to sell at $35
will it surpasse 35?
10 hours later 26063572 Anonymous
If it went down, you wouldn't want to buy.
10 hours later 26063640 Anonymous
>tfw 130 linklet
what do I do bros? It's nowhere near 'make it' territory but I only have a couple more k to my name. Do I risk it all and just live in absolute squalor for a year for a handful more stinkies?
10 hours later 26063686 Anonymous
>price keeps chugging up with several small wicks
who the fuck is selling?
10 hours later 26063852 Anonymous
People who want to keep the price down, I think it’s futile though. The volume on the candle that kicked this off was insane, we’re going to 30 dollars minimum
10 hours later 26064012 Anonymous
fucking faggots are drawing it out long enough though
10 hours later 26064101 Anonymous (FC01FFC7-7458-4BD1-8F74-7CB9C8F271EF.jpg 2048x2048 353kB)
Ive just gone all in! I exchanged all my btc and eth for Link. Feels good man
10 hours later 26064157 Anonymous
10 hours later 26064324 Anonymous
uh bros, sell sign?
10 hours later 26064350 Anonymous
Arbitrum will be released in the next 24 hours
10 hours later 26064520 Anonymous
Literally mathematically impossible
10 hours later 26064524 Anonymous
>already under 22
10 hours later 26064583 Anonymous (signata-stinky.png 1200x900 1053kB)
my wallet is ready
10 hours later 26064801 Anonymous
order some phenylpiracetam online (legal in the states) and spend a few hours trading, it's exhilarating!
11 hours later 26064860 Anonymous
link us brother
11 hours later 26064916 Anonymous
25 for XPR
11 hours later 26065332 Anonymous
BTC whales keep dumping it every time link spikes. I was skeptical but the charts spell it out
11 hours later 26065428 Anonymous
11 hours later 26065602 Anonymous
Dumb black nigger. BTC has taken 3 years to do a 10x, I've got a 100x out of link in that time
11 hours later 26065879 Anonymous
It hurts...
11 hours later 26065930 Anonymous (Disco Chainlink.jpg 1985x1418 1584kB)
It's our time.
11 hours later 26065932 Anonymous
All you really need is a bucket of fried chicken and some purple drank.
11 hours later 26066395 Anonymous
Yes. Sure it's not a few dollars but when it reaches over three figures, perhaps even four it won't matter.
2.632 0.200