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2021-01-16 03:21 26046318 Anonymous (1597288605667.png 594x594 128kB)
what would be your strategy with 150k in cash?
16 min later 26046842 Anonymous
17 min later 26046877 Anonymous
if i didnt need it for anything i would keep as a stablecoin and earn 6% interest on binance.
18 min later 26046898 Anonymous
the same percentage of my portfolio now but more
19 min later 26046962 Anonymous
20 min later 26046972 Anonymous
all in LINK
20 min later 26046983 Anonymous
ONLY correct answer
20 min later 26046985 Anonymous
Buy 3 BTC and a few ETH and the rest on LINK.
20 min later 26046986 Anonymous
bump. thinking all in ROOK
21 min later 26047002 Anonymous
50% PRQ
50% GRT
Delegate all of it ASAP
21 min later 26047021 Anonymous
obviously after the rook pump in the next weeks move to LINK + a few BTC
21 min later 26047032 Anonymous
VOO, everyone else is retarded
22 min later 26047047 Anonymous
Buy 30 BTC at $5k soon.
23 min later 26047083 Anonymous
60k BTC, 30k split between LINK and ETH, 10k split between other crypto projects you fancy.
Remaining 50k on index funds so you're not 100% in crypto.
you can get more than 6% with shit like blockfi/nexo/celsius. i get 6% on BTC with blockfi. though there's no sense in compounding stablecoins until BTC is over 100k man.
23 min later 26047094 Anonymous
Landlord 5 properties 20% down
23 min later 26047105 Anonymous
wus dat?
24 min later 26047123 Anonymous
All in Junior silver miners...
25 min later 26047153 Anonymous
Based and index fund pilled
I’m an MGC and VOO man myself
26 min later 26047160 Anonymous
HISA 1.5% min
easy 2000+ a month
26 min later 26047163 Anonymous
Definitely do not do this
26 min later 26047176 Anonymous
Buy 32 Eth & 2 BTC
Rest 1/3 LINK, 1/3 AAVE, 1/3 Bonded Finance
incidentally that's basically my portfolio now
27 min later 26047198 Anonymous
Unironically this but wait until they allow foreclosures again.
28 min later 26047256 Anonymous
That depends. Is it just hidden in their house or is it in some kind of safe?
30 min later 26047290 Anonymous
50/50 gold and silver
30 min later 26047297 Anonymous
its in my bank account doing nothing
32 min later 26047367 Anonymous (1610261597594.jpg 758x767 48kB)
spend all of it researching how to fuck hookers make money.
34 min later 26047420 Anonymous
Go on breeding rampage across Russia, Latin America and Asia spreading my seed far and wide. Then kys.
34 min later 26047430 Anonymous
Put the majority in an index fund, keep some as an emergency fund, buy solar stock and mortuary firm stock, the rest use on crypto
35 min later 26047454 Anonymous
Goddamnit. Just go all in on LINK and then don’t look for 5 years.
37 min later 26047514 Anonymous
but thats risky
37 min later 26047527 Anonymous
Eth 30%
Link 40%
Rsr 30%
38 min later 26047551 Anonymous (021872189376482.jpg 640x640 17kB)
All in a low cap and wait for a 10x. Cash out half. Repeat.
Bonded Finance should be the one.
https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap /pair-explorer/0x64c29aac69d3122f6e 5531ceca1b753f95350af4
38 min later 26047586 Anonymous
Did I get banned again?
39 min later 26047600 Anonymous
40 min later 26047639 Anonymous
its in cash? id put it in a bank and transfer it to one of my investment accounts
40 min later 26047657 Anonymous
41 min later 26047685 Anonymous
well there is your answer. you will never make it
42 min later 26047718 Anonymous
well what would u invest in?
44 min later 26047762 Anonymous
Don't go all in on bonded finance because you're gonna kill yourself if it fails. I am a bond whale but smallcaps are never a sure thing. Hedge your bets with something like Link or Eth which will gain, so a couple years later you recover if worst comes to worst. Still should get massive gains from bond (rook is another gem)
45 min later 26047832 Anonymous
All in nimiq.
45 min later 26047852 Anonymous
53 min later 26048118 Anonymous
Don’t invest money you don’t want to risk. If you’re investing in crypto, don’t invest anything that you can’t handle losing 100% of.
That being said, you are losing money keeping fiat in a bank account. I mean damn at least buy a cd or something.
55 min later 26048225 Anonymous
ive been planning to do something with it. i wanted to learn how to trade options and stuff for a couple years but never took the time to teach myself how to trade. ive been very lazy. now ive wasted 2 years of cash sitting in my bank account when multiple stocks have increased 10x. i am a loser
58 min later 26048300 Anonymous
Okay serious reply. Please don't keep that money ever in bank. At least invest in a secure ETF. Personally I would just all in Link because that is what my risk tolerance allows but holy fuck just invest in a reliable ETF if you are too lazy to do anything else
59 min later 26048334 Anonymous
but dont etfs go down in a bear market? like 30-40%?
1 hours later 26048464 Anonymous
In case this really is a serious question. Where did you even get your money? You probably shouldn't dwell into trading stocks/crypto anyways so all you do is really just hold it. Ever looked at the historical growths of any ETFs? Of course they sometimes go down but as long as the economy grows in the long term so will the value of any index etc
1 hours later 26048698 Anonymous
unless armageddon happens the market will recover, if it doesnt you probably have more things to worry about than your investments
1 hours later 26048699 Anonymous
I saved my money plus I made some in 2017 crypto bull. I never invested in the stock market and neither have my parents besides my dad's 401k. They're not educated on investing. I never really learned what an etf was up until a couple years ago. I'm just scared
1 hours later 26048828 Anonymous
index ETFs are significantly safer than crypto. Crypto has no value besides its demand, while with a index ETF like the S&P 500 you own fractional shares in 500 different large cap companies. Unless all those companies go bust you wont be losing all your money.
1 hours later 26048850 Anonymous
100k in broad equity funds - think VT and VB
15-20k in liquid cash for emergency
remainder in btc/link/eth for the 2021-22 bullrun
1 hours later 26048929 Anonymous
What's the difference between spy and spx?
Ok ok hmm
6.287 0.075