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2021-01-15 08:53 26004317 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210115-095146.jpg 1080x431 57kB)
When the fuck will this stop pumping???
I want a lower entry
1 min later 26004358 Anonymous
everyone does
thats why it wont for a while.
2 min later 26004372 Anonymous
I've been waiting since 60 cents, someone hold me back from fomoing
3 min later 26004390 Anonymous
Fucking rip
3 min later 26004391 Anonymous
it is gonna correct, r-right?
3 min later 26004407 Anonymous (1608481056581.png 1580x1452 1407kB)
>tfw only 4000 PRQ
3 min later 26004411 Anonymous
Obviously it will. Dont fomo, you will get a better entry.
6 min later 26004476 Anonymous (1607833931814.jpg 236x236 13kB)
>tfw only 4,600 PRQ
7 min later 26004491 Anonymous (angry_pepe.jpg 900x900 43kB)
On the fucking edge to jump in
11 min later 26004593 Anonymous (IMG_20210113_084722_798.jpg 1232x1280 167kB)
bruh it corrected 20 cents from $1 to .83, wtf were you doing not buying that up
13 min later 26004641 Anonymous
I fomo’d at 0.98
15 min later 26004672 Anonymous
Stay poor
15 min later 26004697 Anonymous
LINK went from over $1 to below 20c.
18 min later 26004741 Anonymous
the bottom is 0.5
19 min later 26004770 Anonymous
Just bought a baby stack
19 min later 26004780 Anonymous
you're not gonna enjoy the next 2 weeks buddy. strap in.
20 min later 26004787 Anonymous
Probably. Point is, you should never fomo in crypto.
20 min later 26004795 Anonymous
Prq already went through that era.
20 min later 26004799 Anonymous
will somebody tell him?
21 min later 26004821 Anonymous (prqzi.jpg 400x400 13kB)
For fucks sake guys, literally if you FOMO just hold your bags, it's bound to reach Link's mcap.
In facting FOMO'ing is a good idea given that it literally has 0 good exchanges, just don't sell
23 min later 26004853 Anonymous (41297418927391.jpg 225x225 18kB)
> tfw only 30k prqties
23 min later 26004858 Anonymous (weird.jpg 249x216 6kB)
You're a newfag, aren't you?
24 min later 26004868 Anonymous
also aave didn't even tweet about the parternship yet, they will today though so don't miss out
24 min later 26004874 Anonymous (retarded-pepe-5820009b9ab78.jpg 699x485 70kB)
Is it something bad
27 min later 26004945 Anonymous
he coulve got a better entry
55 min later 26005515 Anonymous
It's ok, everything I buy that isn't on Coinbase is money I am happy to lose, IE, it's for the long term, and it's usually minimal amounts, so if it's a scam, it won't really matter. 100 coins, 100 dollars~, 10% on top for gas - not expecting to become a millionaire tomorrow. Thanks anyway. Done a few like this and won't touch them for at least a year. Thanks anyway
1 hours later 26005625 Anonymous
Fair enough, honestly in the end I think it'll go > $ 1
That being said, go down you PIECE OF SHIT
1 hours later 26005693 Anonymous
1 hours later 26005935 Anonymous
Saying that though, I think I did unironically buy at close enough to the ATH at .95
1 hours later 26005944 Anonymous
Anons you know that PRQ was for $0.027 during ICO in October '19?
For $25k investment you could do this in less than 18months
holding >trading
1 hours later 26006277 Anonymous
1 hours later 26006301 12
This thread is going right to hell so I will see how you will lose with your fucking shitcoins, kek
>base is already on my portfolio so I just launching on you
1 hours later 26006666 Anonymous
I can’t even find it out there except on polinex
1 hours later 26006688 Anonymous (b70a2c32578efb1380d4e6e369969a02.jpg 1000x1250 822kB)
>tfw only 500
1 hours later 26006791 Anonymous (photo_2020-12-20_09-00-19.jpg 279x170 10kB)
We will be top ten soon enough. Really looking forward to the lending pool launch soon.
2 hours later 26006898 Anonymous
I literally sold this like 3 days ago lmaooooooooo I'll get the rope
2 hours later 26006973 Anonymous (photo_2020-12-17_01-38-53.jpg 224x224 10kB)
Oof lad. That's gotta hurt.
2 hours later 26007249 Anonymous (8fd.jpg 657x527 48kB)
>2500 here
2 hours later 26007294 Anonymous
2 hours later 26008170 Anonymous
after 10$
3 hours later 26008267 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-01-15 at 11.53.57.png 1004x1146 84kB)
Bros I need help.
Someone said to store PRQ in MetaMask, but it doesn't come up. Do I have to add it as a custom token or something?
3 hours later 26008307 Anonymous (photo_2020-11-21_10-16-49.jpg 834x1101 140kB)
0x362bc847A3a9637d3af6624EeC853618a 43ed7D2
Just add the contract and it will appear. Congrats, YGMI
3 hours later 26008350 Anonymous
6.6k poorlet here, can't even afford a suicide stack, should i end my life ?
3 hours later 26008362 Anonymous
Awesome, so straight from CoinMetro to MetaMask and that's it right?
3 hours later 26008390 Anonymous
3 hours later 26008985 Anonymous
I want to top up my bags so bad but I hate doing it at these prices!
3 hours later 26009057 Anonymous
yeah copy the contract code there.
3 hours later 26009088 Anonymous
lel hindsight is 20/20
I bought at 0.05. We had good indications it was going to be good but you can never be 100% sure to put 25k $ like that.
I put 1k and sold at 0.4 good investment, I dont regret taking profits.
During the next bear I might accumulate again and go for another cycle.
3 hours later 26009120 Anonymous
I was planning to buy a bunch more a couple days ago but I was away from home for a couple days, fuck, it was nice to comme home to those gainz but I can't justify boying more now
3 hours later 26009169 Anonymous
Tfw bought at .06
3 hours later 26009187 Anonymous
Correction will come very soon.
0.649 0.047