4chan archive /biz/ (index)
2021-01-15 08:51 26004266 Anonymous (wat.jpg 589x441 36kB)
Tell me this man isn't working for Bitcoin anymore
1 min later 26004308 Anonymous
he isnt wrong
29 min later 26004943 Anonymous
Fees? Is this an american thing?
37 min later 26005103 Anonymous
buying btc IS fucking stupid if you're a poor normie faggot
38 min later 26005128 Anonymous
>not tipping the computation provider
39 min later 26005139 Anonymous
the dump bobos predicted since 13k took us down from 34 to 32k
don’t run for this shit be a smart dude
now the best options is staking, high-liquidity services, NFT and multi-level pools
that’s why join modern poolz finance, you will like it lmao
43 min later 26005237 Anonymous
So it is an american thing
2.287 0.017