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2019-05-18 08:07 800010944 Anonymous (1551235563220.webm 720x1230 2091kB)
Rekt thread time fags

8 min later 800011509 Anonymous (1484298580378.gif 283x198 493kB)

11 min later 800011707 Anonymous

42 min later 800013450 Anonymous
I haven't in /b/ for a year and noticed the rekt threads are almost nonexistent. Is it against the rules now? BUMP

43 min later 800013488 Anonymous
>>800011509 >does this truck make my ass look flat?

43 min later 800013512 Anonymous
>>800010944 nibba saw jesus

47 min later 800013658 Anonymous (1551235526230.webm 268x480 1329kB)
>>800013450 No idea... they pop up every once in awhile... >>800013512 ikr

1 hours later 800014516 Anonymous
>>800013658 this is why white people need guns. niggers can fight naturally most of the time, whiteboi can't.

1 hours later 800015220 Anonymous
>>800014516 Very true... We need this thread to pop off!

1 hours later 800015983 Anonymous

1 hours later 800016026 Anonymous
>>800010944 Lol

1 hours later 800016472 Anonymous

1 hours later 800016518 Anonymous
This thread sucks ass

1 hours later 800016807 Anonymous
>>800013658 Good man if fight was justified. Guy kicked man, man hit guy, guy falls to ground, man walks away. That's how it should be done.

2 hours later 800017572 Anonymous (1556588097106.gif 480x270 1576kB)
>>800010944 OP is a cuckold

2 hours later 800017585 Anonymous (02.webm 404x720 1912kB)

2 hours later 800017603 Anonymous (1554719630936.gif 243x310 2034kB)

2 hours later 800018167 Anonymous
>>800017603 >That fucking twirl My sides are gone

2 hours later 800018184 Anonymous
Lol op ran away

3 hours later 800019974 Anonymous (CenaWins.jpg 202x251 7kB)
>>800018167 so much this

3 hours later 800020070 Anonymous
>>800014516 deltamale detected

3 hours later 800020665 Anonymous
Pathetic rekt thread

3 hours later 800021096 Anonymous (timber.webm 352x640 1769kB)
>making a rekt thread where no one dies

3 hours later 800021836 Anonymous (1487113584895.jpg 480x360 22kB)

3 hours later 800021837 Anonymous (1558089307400.gif 300x192 1481kB)
Anyone got a screencap of >>800000000 if the thread got deleted

4 hours later 800022215 Anonymous
>>800010944 He was done minute his head hit the deck

4 hours later 800022274 Anonymous
>>800016807 True true

4 hours later 800022330 Anonymous
>>800021837 The kray twins trick

4 hours later 800023195 Anonymous
>>800017603 360° no scope

4 hours later 800023845 Anonymous (rekt1522730542978.webm 1920x1080 1397kB)

4 hours later 800023934 Anonymous
>>800014516 White people join mma classes to learn how to fight when everyone else picks up how to fight during their childhood

4 hours later 800024044 Anonymous
>>800021837 Story? Or just a stupid nigger being a nigger

4 hours later 800024102 Anonymous
>>800014516 Thats why black mostly shoot ir stab people right? Such good fighters... Smh

4 hours later 800024139 Anonymous
>>800021837 Surprise buttsex

4 hours later 800024155 Anonymous
>>800024102 >>800014516 Chill

4 hours later 800024180 Anonymous (wheelie_boyz.webm 976x544 2092kB)

4 hours later 800024190 Anonymous
>>800010944 Fucking white kids these days. This is what happens when you don't let kids fight. They become pussies that any nigger can beat up.

4 hours later 800024350 Anonymous
When I was a white kid back in the 80's I got into fights all the time. My dad knew and was supportive. He was man enough to hide that shit from my mom and I am forever grateful. Since I fought from a young age I never lost a fight.

5 hours later 800024446 Anonymous (1557851140149.png 1439x1438 1753kB)
>>800021837 Around blacks never relax

5 hours later 800024474 Anonymous
>>800014516 Kids with weak fathers were raised my their fragile mothers. As a result, they could lose a fight with a retard.

5 hours later 800024496 Anonymous
>>800023934 Thats sincerely retarded. Not everybody grows up around niggers

5 hours later 800024542 Anonymous
>>800017603 he powered up his throw

5 hours later 800024599 Anonymous
>>800024496 back in the 80's white kids got into fights too because that is what boys have done for thousands of years. Now my nephew says "fisticuffs seem so outdated". Yeah, he was raised by a single mother. Hw couldn't win a fight with himself.

5 hours later 800024660 Anonymous
>>800024350 nice larp faggot

5 hours later 800024664 Anonymous (rekt1525596155402.webm 1920x1080 1355kB)

5 hours later 800024731 Anonymous
>>800024660 I've no idea what a larp is but I'm sure it's something retarded.

5 hours later 800024767 Anonymous
If the boys are gonna fight you better let 'em.

5 hours later 800024771 Anonymous
>>800014516 >>800015220 Holy shit you guys are fucking pussies please kill yourselfs

5 hours later 800024924 Anonymous
>>800014516 white people need guns to kill niggers who can't make money and end up attempting to rob successful families.

5 hours later 800024960 Anonymous
>>800024350 You win some You lose some Any person whose been in a fair amount of fights will tell you this go eat your chicken tendies

5 hours later 800024988 Anonymous
>>800024924 >Rekt thread

5 hours later 800025025 Anonymous
>>800024960 I was thrown into the bed of a pickup once but by the time I came to my buddy had beat his ass.

5 hours later 800025044 Anonymous
>>800013488 kek

5 hours later 800025070 Anonymous
>>800017585 Thor has Arrived

5 hours later 800025088 Anonymous
>>800021096 holy shit

5 hours later 800025096 Anonymous
>>800023845 thanks for the seizure

5 hours later 800025133 Anonymous (3074557 - Equestria_Girls Friendship_is_Magic My_Little_Pony SugarlessPaints.jpg 1280x982 123kB)

5 hours later 800025342 Anonymous
>>800017585 Feel the wrath of Odinson. For real his buddy looked like he was just getting in the way.

5 hours later 800025372 Anonymous
>>800021096 I gotta say I didn’t see it coming

6 hours later 800026628 Anonymous
>>800025133 moar

6 hours later 800026667 Anonymous
>>800025133 Very nice will fap to it later

6 hours later 800027710 Anonymous (1521897462665.png 232x210 71kB)

6 hours later 800028029 Anonymous
>>800010944 Brain damage

7 hours later 800029342 Anonymous (1557835284292.webm 1280x720 1807kB)

7 hours later 800030485 Anonymous
>>800017603 Lmao like that gained power

7 hours later 800030577 Anonymous
>>800029342 Fucking security guard all like, >I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS SHIT

7 hours later 800030801 Anonymous
>>800024190 I can fight tho im a 13 yr old white boy, im exactly 6'0 and know kick boxing

7 hours later 800030973 Anonymous
>>800030801 fuck off 4chan kid or atleast shut your bitch ass up cause you´re getting banned

7 hours later 800030993 Anonymous
>>800030801 faggot

7 hours later 800031040 Anonymous
>>800017603 everyone just watching like it's normal. he a rapist or something?

7 hours later 800031131 Anonymous (1558150863669.png 1260x888 69kB)

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