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2019-05-18 07:06 800006526 Anonymous (1538384437204.png 600x600 144kB)
Mountain Dew: Code Red is the best flavor.

1 min later 800006578 Anonymous (0012000130270_CF_default_default_large.jpg 600x600 26kB)
>>800006526 Nay sir

3 min later 800006753 Anonymous
>>800006526 Sugar is bad for you

3 min later 800006758 Anonymous
>>800006578 A good flavor, but i never seem to find enough.

4 min later 800006818 Anonymous
>>800006526 I prefer voltage

4 min later 800006822 Anonymous
>>800006578 That's fucking foul

4 min later 800006839 Anonymous
>>800006753 So is the internet, but we still use it

4 min later 800006842 Anonymous
>>800006578 Its shit from a bottle. Taco Bell cup or can only.

5 min later 800006902 Anonymous
>>800006818 Voltage is also a nice flavor, i like to drink it with a good burger

5 min later 800006924 Anonymous (00012000684524_a1a3_900_900.jpg 700x700 30kB)
>>800006526 >>800006578 You both are wrong, this is the good shit

6 min later 800006943 Anonymous
I remember playing halo 3 and chugging mountain dew code red. those were the days

6 min later 800006963 Anonymous (35b51c00-026a-4fcd-8753-e4835b20bbf4_1.5e93557a4d24897b3557ae21c3fc083d.jpg 3000x3000 465kB)
has anyone tried this?

6 min later 800006976 Anonymous
>>800006924 Never had it, sounds good though

6 min later 800006997 Anonymous
>>800006963 Shits gross

6 min later 800007013 Anonymous
>>800006963 No, i dont have a good feeling about it. Is it good?

7 min later 800007067 Anonymous
>>800006578 It's decent if you mix it with some regular Mountain dew to take the edge off it

8 min later 800007123 Anonymous (dewsa.jpg 1024x609 191kB)
>>800006526 Nah man, dewsa. But it does help that I have a lot of good memories tied to the summer it was out.

9 min later 800007183 Anonymous
>>800006976 It's super weird. The first sip I was like "this is shit" then I got a really weird this "aint so bad" after taste. Now it's the only one I like and I used to love code red.

9 min later 800007209 Anonymous
>>800006526 Have you ever tried ass?

9 min later 800007216 Anonymous
>>800007123 that shit was pretty good, hope they release it again

10 min later 800007272 Anonymous
game fuel was pretty good too.

11 min later 800007363 Anonymous
>>800007013 No not at all, the lemon totally kills off the drink. It tastes almost like the lemon flavording you'd get from lemon flavored water.

12 min later 800007444 Anonymous
>>800007363 that sucks, i might still try it, i like to try all the flavors

13 min later 800007491 Anonymous
>>800006578 You can achieve the same result at a fountain with regular dew and blue power aid

13 min later 800007512 Anonymous
I love how mountain dew still has that early 2000s feel to it. i hope they never change it.

17 min later 800007771 Anonymous
everyone post your favorite dew flavor

17 min later 800007776 Anonymous
>>800007216 They're doing a new flavor called 'Liberty Brew' for this summer.

19 min later 800007925 Anonymous
Prepare to get Baja Blasted, bitch.

20 min later 800007978 Anonymous (1543080337087.png 250x266 140kB)
>>800007776 nice, looks good. also you were so close to greatness, quads of 7

23 min later 800008160 Anonymous (GUEST_8b89d488-5c45-41bf-b12d-4c7c8b7a1ce8.jpg 488x488 29kB)
for me its sierra mist

24 min later 800008220 Anonymous
>>800008160 we dont like your kind here.

24 min later 800008237 Anonymous
Mix equal parts original and Baja blast. Shit’s lit

25 min later 800008313 Anonymous
>>800008160 Get out

28 min later 800008523 Anonymous (GUEST_1e745875-d088-4de2-aede-5b493b8d39c7.jpg 488x488 30kB)
>>800006526 >>800006578 >>800006924 >>800006963 >>800007123 >>800008160 Bow to the one true God

28 min later 800008535 Anonymous (Martian pop.jpg 916x1632 361kB)
You're not even trying for taste.

28 min later 800008569 Anonymous (mdpitchblack2.jpg 225x599 21kB)
Too bad they won't ever release this fucker again

29 min later 800008592 Anonymous
>>800008535 does it come with a free toy

32 min later 800008846 Anonymous
>>800008569 when was that released?

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