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2019-05-18 07:04 800006418 Anonymous (5C292CBC-0C51-4A71-B96A-92D93F840E9A-2391-000007A25447C218.jpg 720x720 46kB)
So after years of speculation, years of interrogation, years of confusion, years of wonder and intrigue, it all led to this.. we finally have some answers. why did she do it?
25 min later 800008181 Anonymous
Why did she do what?
27 min later 800008347 Anonymous
billie eilish was the infamous "log poster"
28 min later 800008394 Anonymous
Cause her Dragons and Missande died. Shit son don't you pay attention
36 min later 800008964 Anonymous
where are the supposed documents proving she did it?
37 min later 800009091 Anonymous
open your mouth up wide and you'll see
41 min later 800009335 Anonymous
the log of shit guy is spamming. Every once in a while when people stop responding to him he makes up some lie and does some photoshop to get people to reply to his threads. Last time it was that Andy sixx was suing 4chan for allowing the log of shit meme to be posted.
Now he's pretending that Billie eilish created the log of shit meme and is suing her. None of it is true.
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