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2019-05-18 07:02 800006307 Anonymous (0230B4D6-433F-4700-82C6-447C5ECF98E5.jpg 719x607 165kB)
I’ve got nobody in my life except my family (still live with parents) and people I see at work. It sucks but what can I even do about it?
23 min later 800007975 Anonymous
Get friends
29 min later 800008382 Anonymous
get the app called Meetup and start going to events
45 min later 800009456 Anonymous
make friends? You're acting like its such a tragedy to only have your parents right now. buck the fuck up.
47 min later 800009605 Anonymous
same dude, all i know is my weed plug and my psychiatrist for adderall
53 min later 800010097 Anonymous
Go to like a class or something. Like a martial arts thing or something, it should force you into interacting with people.
53 min later 800010137 Anonymous
Why would you want to be around more people than that? blech.
1 hours later 800010705 Anonymous
Nothing. It's called growing up. When your fam starts dying you call that getting old.
1 hours later 800011112 Anonymous (disappointed.jpg 125x125 10kB)
For one, you could stop posting dumb frogs on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Stupid frogposter!
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