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2019-05-30 06:26 800995800 Anonymous (00001.jpg 1433x2023 315kB)
sh0ta time! :D

6 min later 800996181 Anonymous
>>800995800 I know these two twinks <3 I want to fuck their boypussys

10 min later 800996452 Anonymous
>>800996181 Damn handa..... what a looking >_<

19 min later 800996950 Anonymous (386ba91882494a4d36a28c80be998890eb6e80ea.jpg 500x750 48kB)
>>800996452 Handa's adorable, I bet his cock would be small and cute

19 min later 800996978 Anonymous (0a43313d08c8eab5f68a2b9fa8156829e38c0814.jpg 736x805 245kB)
>>800996950 My favourite pick of the two

28 min later 800997501 Anonymous (bb9c89c37a1ff57a029c7f4089035bef.jpg 530x706 229kB)
>>800996978 :3

30 min later 800997602 Anonymous
>>800997501 I want rim him so badly, fuck. He's so damn cute I want to make him mine. It suits him so well <3

31 min later 800997658 Anonymous (1398000435673.jpg 574x653 213kB)

32 min later 800997679 Anonymous (1558028627191.png 850x600 633kB)

32 min later 800997719 Anonymous (1550090166315.jpg 986x1024 83kB)

33 min later 800997726 Anonymous
>>800997602 PRISON FAGGOT

33 min later 800997743 Anonymous (1547155156890.jpg 1556x2048 295kB)

34 min later 800997809 Anonymous
is this illegal?

34 min later 800997820 Anonymous (1549832038249.png 1021x1193 340kB)

34 min later 800997835 Anonymous
CP !!!! Modsssss modsssssss MODDDDDSSSSS

35 min later 800997852 Anonymous
why is it always gay? wheres the ss?

35 min later 800997866 Anonymous
Mods!!! Cp !!!

35 min later 800997872 Anonymous
>>800997809 It's better than pictures of actual children. Even if it is bad, it is the lesser of two evils.

35 min later 800997883 Anonymous (376a02a4e9a2caafc08f16d4f7913ca8.jpg 590x844 287kB)
wtf, CP is illegal, this isn't illegal.... learn the difference fags ;)

36 min later 800997903 Anonymous
Okay it’s still illegal and you know it !!!

36 min later 800997918 Anonymous
>>800997903 Are you new here?

37 min later 800997959 Anonymous
It’s illegal to. Portray Children in sexual acts

38 min later 800997998 Anonymous

43 min later 800998252 Anonymous (1555081505944.jpg 914x781 76kB)
>>800997918 ignore them, bunch of blind retards :S

52 min later 800998729 Anonymous
How do you guys feel about boys aged 11-14?

57 min later 800999020 Anonymous (1502401104895.jpg 699x699 441kB)

58 min later 800999064 Anonymous (183f7fbea9e291436e1f178b2e1e9542.jpg 600x837 166kB)

1 hours later 800999412 Anonymous (fag bag.jpg 2000x2000 994kB)

1 hours later 800999651 Anonymous
https://nhentai.net/g/255555/ https://nhentai.net/g/188229/ https://nhentai.net/g/191515/ https://nhentai.net/g/204225/ https://nhentai.net/g/178209/

1 hours later 800999717 Anonymous (1512829933474.png 1000x875 497kB)

1 hours later 800999804 Anonymous
No, shota is for faggots straight shota is gayer than two adult men fucking.

1 hours later 801000275 Anonymous (1466196817907.png 756x1024 1038kB)
don't see anything gay about this

1 hours later 801000303 Anonymous (sample_65b715d9ff1c98bd158cc9d30f4a6cb2.jpg 850x714 732kB)
omg this one :3

1 hours later 801000424 Anonymous (team pancake.png 435x642 260kB)
https://nhentai.net/g/87273/ https://nhentai.net/g/136117/ https://nhentai.net/g/206734/ https://nhentai.net/g/186701/ https://nhentai.net/g/237955/ https://nhentai.net/g/236646/ https://nhentai.net/g/236794/ https://xhamster.com/videos/2-japan ese-cd-s-cum-together-4980073

1 hours later 801000850 Anonymous
>tfw over 30 exclusively wanna fuck slim shaved just turned legal guys while they call you daddy or big brother ;-;

1 hours later 801000981 Anonymous
>>800997959 These aren't children. They're drawings. Fucking idiot. Supreme court doesn't give a shit about fictional art. Lol I and shots and cub fury porn are not illegal. Retards

1 hours later 801001404 Anonymous
>>800997809 >>800997903 Depends on the country, but its legal in most countries.

1 hours later 801001484 Anonymous
>>800998729 Theyre cute.

2 hours later 801002937 Anonymous

2 hours later 801003228 Anonymous
>>801000981 >i masturbate exclusively to gay porn but i'm not gay because they're just pixels on the screen this is how dumb you fucking hypocritical sexually repressed zoomers sound

2 hours later 801003454 Anonymous
>>801003228 Preach. Fuck these pedo morons. They all belong in prison

2 hours later 801003488 Anonymous
>>801000850 Yeah sometimes my eggs get overcooked and I just use barbeque sauce to add a little extra moisture to it. I prefer the yoke right as it's cooked but not too much past that or else its dry and chalky. That is if the yokes don't break in which case I just default to a scrambled egg.

2 hours later 801003711 Anonymous
i want to put my big adult dick in a (fictional) shota's mouth

2 hours later 801004501 Anonymous
>>800998729 they're generally able to cum so that's the age I wish I could go back to and re-live, having reflected upon it all. I've never understood the appeal for boys any younger than that, if puberty hasn't started they can't really get anything out of sexual situations with each other.

2 hours later 801004728 Anonymous
>>801003228 I don't even jack it up shota, I just enjoy reading some of the stories posted here. As for porn I only jack it to legal stuff and IRL I don't want a relationship with anyone under 21 so idk what to tell you. Some people in these threads do get creepy sometimes but I'd much rather they wack it to drawings than the real thing so overall this is nothing to get upset over. The loli threads are generally much creepier.

2 hours later 801004917 Anonymous (1513086121905.jpg 450x600 188kB)

2 hours later 801005150 Anonymous (2361831.jpg 600x577 244kB)
>>800997743 Ganguro shota huh owo Intrigued.

2 hours later 801005372 Anonymous
>>800997835 Nigger cp is real shit these are fucking drawings

2 hours later 801005421 Anonymous (1485402916084.png 843x1413 1036kB)

2 hours later 801005428 Anonymous
>>800998729 They’re kids and they’re real so yeah no

2 hours later 801005444 Anonymous
>>801005150 niggers get out

2 hours later 801005501 Anonymous
>>801003454 “Durrr you think drawing hot u must like real kids” Fuck off why are you tards even here if you don’t like it go look somewhere else

2 hours later 801005538 Anonymous (2580288.jpg 1280x1646 290kB)
>>801005444 Checked; but that still don't make them black.

2 hours later 801005553 Anonymous (2580289.jpg 1280x1646 268kB)

2 hours later 801005574 Anonymous

2 hours later 801005646 Anonymous
>>801005574 Go somewhere else leddit faggot

2 hours later 801005810 Anonymous
anyone have sarazanmai? im in love

2 hours later 801005829 Anonymous (cover.jpg 350x496 83kB)

2 hours later 801005974 Anonymous (1486291191171.jpg 475x409 114kB)

2 hours later 801006515 Anonymous (wink urloail.gif 500x281 865kB)
>>801005974 ?

3 hours later 801007123 Anonymous (51-ZFXwF29L._UY550_.jpg 402x550 20kB)
>>801005553 sauce on this ? or more?

3 hours later 801007323 Anonymous (2327453.png 1768x2500 840kB)
>>801007123 Sorry fren, no idea...

3 hours later 801007492 Anonymous

3 hours later 801007587 Anonymous (2393789.png 1400x1800 1253kB)

3 hours later 801008049 Anonymous (69ADC822-FC11-4BAC-8760-BAC42AE36D68.jpg 566x734 234kB)
>>801007123 Ryo Agawa. Same artist as >>801007587

3 hours later 801008202 Anonymous (2682617.jpg 649x780 69kB)
>>801008049 I posted both of them and I wondered if it is the same artist but the style looks a bit off though.

3 hours later 801009475 Anonymous (sample_48542a58ea9bd8e3600fc07d5a7d5ecd.jpg 850x680 384kB)
>>801000303 he's really cute :O funny scene on the game XD

3 hours later 801009602 Anonymous (2687747.jpg 600x439 35kB)

3 hours later 801009613 Anonymous (2687751.jpg 640x715 25kB)

3 hours later 801009629 Anonymous (2687754.jpg 640x480 19kB)

3 hours later 801009646 Anonymous (2687762.jpg 600x715 46kB)

4 hours later 801010614 Anonymous (1446091887872.jpg 700x1015 143kB)

4 hours later 801010991 Anonymous (b3127285d95d8ba01d45049ad0301449b64bd28aa8f2f2f01e53cbf7384bcd8a.jpg 787x545 62kB)

4 hours later 801011048 Anonymous (ae071d927f2b6624ecfd5e14654c578a52ae9f7cbe163621e513d99a4777aaa6.jpg 1064x1068 471kB)

4 hours later 801011061 Anonymous (1335282174639.jpg 346x476 15kB)
0 tolerance for child rapists in the making

4 hours later 801011066 Anonymous (after_practice____by_majikaru_rin-d6lmfwd.png 800x576 384kB)

4 hours later 801011607 Anonymous (1362864280899.jpg 800x600 40kB)
kill yourself

4 hours later 801011896 Anonymous (edf454d6fa4dcfca8be67836d23ba517dbc2c52ca3c6ba05c0544eaa5f223a19.jpg 850x567 115kB)

4 hours later 801012659 Anonymous (15401309416990.jpg 960x1280 193kB)
>>801011607 no u

4 hours later 801012694 Anonymous
Any good doujins without traps in them?

4 hours later 801012902 Anonymous (1343090483354.png 980x613 361kB)
>>801011066 This picture seemed familiar...

4 hours later 801012996 Anonymous
>>801012902 Know the characters?

4 hours later 801013370 Anonymous
>>801012996 I don't.

4 hours later 801013530 Anonymous (18058.jpg 805x1280 568kB)
anxiously awaiting the return of the team

4 hours later 801013693 Anonymous (18051.jpg 514x700 330kB)

4 hours later 801013738 Anonymous
>>801013530 who?

4 hours later 801013754 Anonymous
Why do shota doujin artists always draw huge cocks on the shotas? It's unrealistic and off-putting. Is that really what most people prefer?

4 hours later 801013992 Anonymous (18056.jpg 737x1000 139kB)

4 hours later 801014099 Anonymous (1445753289324.jpg 1100x1200 871kB)

4 hours later 801014303 Anonymous (1504078105628.png 508x900 234kB)

4 hours later 801014323 Anonymous (18060.jpg 989x744 93kB)
>tfw your a confused 13y/o and find your first gloryhole.

5 hours later 801014576 Anonymous (3198412.jpg 836x591 114kB)
xtra credit.

5 hours later 801014669 Anonymous (430365.jpg 530x750 158kB)
>>801013754 Do they tho?

5 hours later 801014727 Anonymous (1513689276656.jpg 960x1280 105kB)

5 hours later 801014756 Anonymous
requesting them shota feet

5 hours later 801015244 Anonymous (151384476715a.jpg 1500x7250 2038kB)

5 hours later 801015273 Anonymous (file.png 1498x980 2032kB)

5 hours later 801015546 Anonymous (sh-001 (74).jpg 1122x1219 659kB)
he was right.

5 hours later 801015729 Anonymous (untitled.png 448x512 276kB)

5 hours later 801015804 Anonymous (0127001.png 821x1200 602kB)

5 hours later 801016358 Anonymous (1448607788443.jpg 602x853 423kB)

5 hours later 801016628 Anonymous (1552689268864.jpg 723x1023 509kB)
>>800999717 Souse plox. iqdb found a Pixiv account but it seems to not exist anymore. Also, I'm the boy in the middle (in both pics :) )

5 hours later 801016763 Anonymous
if ya'll could help this would be great, I've once encountered here a not quite comic thing that was like a guide for straight shota and the only thing i remember is or goddess lillian anyhelp in locating or more info appriciated

5 hours later 801016859 Anonymous (18049a.jpg 990x1551 302kB)

5 hours later 801017243 Anonymous
>>801013530 >>801016859 oh, rite then lewd.

5 hours later 801017552 Anonymous (1456416144235.png 578x850 552kB)

5 hours later 801017829 Anonymous (1492446569880.jpg 1547x1463 654kB)

5 hours later 801017987 Anonymous (1411748385539c.jpg 461x419 113kB)

5 hours later 801018067 Anonymous (Curious Kitsune Shota.jpg 877x1280 113kB)
>>801017829 Why are foxes so fucking hot?

5 hours later 801018100 Anonymous
sure is summer in here

5 hours later 801018261 Anonymous (1547945915390.jpg 800x600 72kB)
>>801018100 Why? Shota is one of the staples of /b

5 hours later 801018332 Anonymous (1503002093600.jpg 540x720 42kB)
>>801018067 yup. they're playful, cute, cuddly, what's there not to like

5 hours later 801018608 Anonymous
>>801018332 Old brush art, haven't seen that in a while haha

6 hours later 801018790 Anonymous

6 hours later 801018905 Anonymous
>>801018790 fuck off faggot, how can you not enjoy a shota's cute ass and cock on your face? what are you, gay?

6 hours later 801019580 Anonymous (1555098335637.jpg 530x750 53kB)
>>801018608 I love brush, he draws the cutest boys. I miss his lewd art. Gotta try to find it, he did some great stuff on that front as well.

6 hours later 801019775 Anonymous (brushpp.jpg 2000x2000 335kB)
>>801019580 there's a leak on shotachan but I'll give you a freebie right now that isn't in the leak

6 hours later 801020060 Anonymous (1552714586348 (1).jpg 924x1280 127kB)
>>801019775 Thx, gotta check that. Also, thx for the freebie, he can draw penises real nice. >image realted is such a good example why he should do more lewds, because ultimate cutenes + lewd = pure awesomeness

6 hours later 801020107 Anonymous (1548574337734.jpg 750x573 241kB)
>>801019775 WHAT THE HELL IS SHOTACHAN?!!!! Why did I only just hear of this???

6 hours later 801020200 Anonymous
>>801003228 pedophilia, in itself, is not illegal as long as they're not doing anything wrong

6 hours later 801020361 Anonymous
>>801019775 Just post them here, most of us don't want to make an account

6 hours later 801020778 Anonymous
>>801018332 they'll fokkin nip ya

6 hours later 801020809 Anonymous (1543092223565.png 650x798 280kB)

6 hours later 801020881 Anonymous
>>801020809 It's not an imageboard, it's more of a forum, but people post a ton of shota there. It's quite big. https://shotachan.net

6 hours later 801020935 Anonymous
>>801020881 Thank you, I love you

6 hours later 801021391 Anonymous (shotacute.jpg 1350x1600 218kB)
>>801020935 <3

6 hours later 801021737 Anonymous (2100919 - Beth_Mountain Dragon_Quest Dragon_Quest_III Erdrick Hero.jpg 1264x1554 1168kB)
>>801021391 I have never been so happy to make an account before. Thanks again

6 hours later 801021853 Anonymous
>>801021737 Hope you get AIDS kid fuckers

6 hours later 801021945 Anonymous
>>801021853 I want to be the kid getting fucked

6 hours later 801022050 Anonymous
>>801021737 reminds me of that scene from family guy where quagmire finds net porn and then wasn't seen for weeks only to have become disturbingly swole in his right arm

6 hours later 801022145 Anonymous
>>801022050 I'll try my best to keep the little life I have intact

6 hours later 801022290 Anonymous (cumm.jpg 1000x1300 196kB)
More Brush art!

6 hours later 801022330 Anonymous (1425654901615-1.jpg 849x1200 232kB)
>>801022145 good to hear, then all that's left is to have fun!

6 hours later 801022369 Anonymous (1515328863870.jpg 1015x794 539kB)

6 hours later 801022430 Anonymous (cartoonsayy.jpg 2300x1800 580kB)

6 hours later 801022446 Anonymous (1511880845842.jpg 1280x1858 683kB)

6 hours later 801022471 Anonymous (peen.jpg 1300x1800 238kB)

6 hours later 801022521 Anonymous (inside.jpg 1300x1800 281kB)

6 hours later 801022570 Anonymous (1511951279360.jpg 768x1024 189kB)
>>801022290 ty for posting all of these, only really see their non lewds, SC feels weird to me so I dont use it and apparently suffer the cost.

6 hours later 801022578 Anonymous (nomcum.jpg 1300x1800 273kB)
>>801022521 this is the noncum version of this pic, prefer it without but i might upload the cum version

6 hours later 801022615 Anonymous (1504766099740.jpg 500x667 133kB)

7 hours later 801022646 Anonymous (cumver.jpg 1300x1800 277kB)
>>801022578 eh, fuck it!

7 hours later 801022674 Anonymous (1510578150526.jpg 1016x1200 1161kB)

7 hours later 801022697 Anonymous (1448605550963.jpg 653x600 86kB)

7 hours later 801022783 Anonymous (themorethemerrier.jpg 1583x2048 502kB)
>>801022646 >>801022570 no problem. I don't use shotachan as much as I could. feels weird interacting with their community, a lot of the people there have 3d renders which are a bit too real or uncanny valley.

7 hours later 801022785 Anonymous (1559103953346.jpg 1024x1024 244kB)
need more shotas getting fucked by BBC

7 hours later 801022797 Anonymous (1538438154099.jpg 2300x2800 778kB)

7 hours later 801022830 Anonymous (shy.jpg 1733x2048 401kB)

7 hours later 801023262 Anonymous (ladybug.jpg 3150x4600 1762kB)
>>801022830 a huge portion of these are way too big and I can't be bothered to compress them, sorry guys

7 hours later 801023357 Anonymous (1553449263843.png 1141x1316 688kB)
To be a shota having sexy times with fellow shotas. What a life that could be

7 hours later 801023382 Anonymous
>>801023262 Sniffing those tasty feet :3

7 hours later 801023616 Anonymous (car.jpg 3150x4200 1884kB)
>>801023262 playing with his toys :p

7 hours later 801023804 Anonymous

7 hours later 801023859 Anonymous (savant.jpg 2500x2800 1134kB)
>>801023616 savant is such a cutie! he's one of my favorite brush characters. this is one of my favorite pictures

7 hours later 801024137 Anonymous
This thread is great for my Brush collection that I should have started ages ago. Thanks guys

7 hours later 801024176 Anonymous (lwpt1.jpg 2500x3000 619kB)
>>801023859 lewd wrestling :3 don't worry, there's more on the way!

7 hours later 801024339 Anonymous (twopoints.jpg 2600x3000 834kB)
>>801024176 I think there's a file missing :(

7 hours later 801024370 Anonymous (ayyy.jpg 2100x3000 566kB)

7 hours later 801024460 Anonymous (sixtynine.jpg 1280x981 109kB)
>>801024370 there are a lot of commissions with these two characters lol

7 hours later 801025097 Anonymous (1555195728683.jpg 1040x585 354kB)
Reminder that these exist

7 hours later 801025271 Anonymous
>>800997903 Only if you're in some faggot country.

7 hours later 801025498 Anonymous
>>801025097 wouldn't buy because I couldn't fuck the mousepad

7 hours later 801025623 Anonymous
>>801025498 If there is a will, there is a way

7 hours later 801025982 Anonymous
>>801025623 I mean, you could hotdog it...

7 hours later 801026003 Anonymous
Does anybody else want to train their voice so they can sound like a shota, or am I just weird?

7 hours later 801026315 Anonymous
>>801026003 become a shota voice actor!

8 hours later 801027082 Anonymous
>>801026315 Honestly I'm trying to. I'd love to be able to voice act for animations and stuff, I am pretty bad at this, but I am trying my best and only just started

8 hours later 801027156 Anonymous
>>801027082 https://vocaroo.com/

8 hours later 801027179 Anonymous
>>801023262 no worries, what you've been able to get through is greatly appreciated, brush does cutelewd right, which is so very rare, like a perfect fusion of the effect that mitsui jun and no eyebrows create with theirs, then made even moreso

8 hours later 801027357 Anonymous
>>801027156 lol no. I'd love too, but like I said, I'm honestly terrible at the moment and my parents are asleep

8 hours later 801027579 Anonymous (1465065438792.jpg 675x900 243kB)

8 hours later 801027714 Anonymous (1513195949209.jpg 678x949 414kB)

8 hours later 801027759 Anonymous (1508052682611.jpg 2277x1937 551kB)

8 hours later 801028009 Anonymous (1508288203423.jpg 572x960 127kB)

8 hours later 801028175 Anonymous (1516144481265.jpg 850x1258 202kB)
ty again brushbposter, was a nice treat, cheers!

8 hours later 801028223 Anonymous
>>801028009 The best places for feet. Cock and face.

8 hours later 801028305 Anonymous
>>801027156 >>801027357 Alright, FINE! I know it's terrible. I have a natural pretty deep voice so it's hard to do. I kind of want to do it because my voice doesn't match the "twink physique" I have I started looking at this about a week ago, I wanted to try sooner but I was in uni and didn't want my roommates to hear this https://vocaroo.com/i/s0n8dSVyFqs2

8 hours later 801028351 Anonymous (1557213848226.jpg 848x1180 139kB)

8 hours later 801028473 Anonymous
>>801003488 Keep going, I'm almost there..

8 hours later 801028642 Anonymous
>>801028305 cute accent, i wouldnt say you sound like a child, but cute

8 hours later 801028706 Anonymous (71453220_p4.png 2400x2400 724kB)

8 hours later 801028812 Anonymous (33000c21f2728c00ddbe009cd08a88b7.jpg 600x876 256kB)
Thread needs more linklink

8 hours later 801029072 Anonymous
>>801028642 Thanks :)

8 hours later 801029741 Anonymous

8 hours later 801029869 Anonymous (1550290464992.jpg 848x1000 259kB)

8 hours later 801030107 Anonymous (6.jpg 1536x1889 192kB)

8 hours later 801030583 Anonymous
d1sc0rd (dot) gg (slash) realmserver sh0ta discord

8 hours later 801030658 Anonymous
>>801030583 I'm just going to hope this is 2d shota

8 hours later 801030706 Anonymous
I was molested as a kid and now all I can think about is how lucky the guy who fucked me was am I fucked up?

9 hours later 801031226 Anonymous
>>801030706 Yes, but don't worry. A lot of us have the same story

3.368 0.178