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2019-05-18 06:43 800004932 Anonymous (kek.jpg 1280x720 192kB)
Why am I seeing a million threads of her?
3 min later 800005149 Anonymous (45.jpg 1600x1175 411kB)
because you're spamming it
4 min later 800005274 Anonymous
Ends of the school year.
7 min later 800005474 Anonymous
Shes being sued apparently
8 min later 800005504 Anonymous
dude, does "Dachau liberation reprisals" mean anything to you?
I'm not taking a side but it perforates your little theory very effectively.
11 min later 800005753 Anonymous
Warm log
12 min later 800005845 Anonymous (5C292CBC-0C51-4A71-B96A-92D93F840E9A-2391-000007A25447C218.jpg 720x720 46kB)
>does it taste good, anon? do my logs taste yummy?
18 min later 800006261 Anonymous
You know it
21 min later 800006414 Anonymous (1558155638443.jpg 540x605 45kB)
21 min later 800006425 Anonymous
Isn't she a pop singer with some nudes out or something?
22 min later 800006494 Anonymous
poop star*
24 min later 800006580 Anonymous (wp2382610.jpg 1080x1349 95kB)
25 min later 800006648 Anonymous
Is she the one poopin?
33 min later 800007246 Anonymous
No andy is the one pooping because she started the meme
35 min later 800007427 Anonymous
its part of a viral marketing attempt by her label. they are trying to make her 4chan famous. I want to be surprised but this shit has been going on since the Macy's Day Parade rick roll.
38 min later 800007619 Anonymous (basement dweller.jpg 960x540 111kB)
>actually thinking any marketing organization would take a bunch of losers on 4chan seriously
no, it's the mentally ill fatass janitor/mod who got a hardon today and is desperate to exploit it by HOAXING.
too bad nobody's falling for it
43 min later 800007998 Anonymous
no, I promise you it is going on. the more they can get her image to the front page, the more they can collect marketing revenue. I understand that this might not make sense to you, but I encourage you to look up modern viral marketing strategies.
45 min later 800008143 Anonymous (FB_IMG_1556514718170.jpg 807x960 80kB)
Get a life kid lol
50 min later 800008501 Anonymous
I don't even no where to begin... There's looking at history through political/cultural/religious filters but this is blatant denial in spite of overwhelming evidence. You are a fucking idiot.
55 min later 800008802 Anonymous
Her shit tier music isn't selling enough, so they have to shill here.
57 min later 800008970 Anonymous (1556746365258.gif 407x405 324kB)
Because you're spamming trying make her relevant
1 hours later 800009203 Anonymous
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
holy shit fatass, did you get tired of logposting?
nobody is falling for your HOAX images faggot,
>what is lexis nexis?
you truly are desperate to make this a meme, aren't you?
you truly are desperate to make this a meme, aren't you?
1 hours later 800009231 Anonymous
the log of shit guy is spamming. Every once in a while when people stop responding to him he makes up some lie and does some photoshop to get people to reply to his threads. Last time it was that Andy sixx was suing 4chan for allowing the log of shit meme to be posted.
Now he's pretending that Billie eilish created the log of shit meme and is suing her. None of it is true.
1 hours later 800009350 Anonymous
Goddamn, thats really pathetic. This please never stops overwhelming me with sadness for these people trying to shill memes. Sage.
1 hours later 800009586 Anonymous
1 hours later 800009801 Anonymous
They're upset they can't fuck a 17 year old girl because they call her their future waifu n shit
I'd be upset too if I was as fucked in the head as they were
1 hours later 800010338 Anonymous
She's being sued by Andy Sixx
1 hours later 800010415 Anonymous
1 hours later 800010466 Anonymous
https://www.altpress.com/features/a ndy-black-westwood-road-video-ghost -of-ohio-interview/
1 hours later 800011075 Anonymous
Not working. I can't get in.
All that shows up is a 404 error
1 hours later 800011210 Anonymous
https://www.google.com/search?clien t=firefox-b-1-d&q=Expect+a+whole+lo t+of+Andy+Biersack
you must be desperate to LIE
1 hours later 800011490 Anonymous
I think its hilarious that no one is taking your bait seriously
1 hours later 800011586 Anonymous
I think its halarious how people don't beleive proof even after it's provided to them
1 hours later 800011648 Anonymous
https://web.archive.org/web/2019021 7001723/https://www.altpress.com/fe atures/andy-black-westwood-road-vid eo-ghost-of-ohio-interview/
hurr durr, let me like and claim
>da link doent wurk, dat'll convince dem!!!
no wonder everyone says you're mentally ill
1 hours later 800012181 Anonymous
Lol what fucking proof? Kys nigger
2 hours later 800013288 Anonymous (LYING LOGFAGS3.gif 600x570 1154kB)
deny this
>I'm sure you will, mentally ill losers always deny to ridiculous extremes
2 hours later 800013455 Anonymous
This doesn't mention anything about anyone getting sued
2 hours later 800013678 Anonymous (hoax.jpg 894x1024 148kB)
that's the point, try to keep up. that gif proves the hoax image OP has been spamming for hours
is a PHOTOSHOP LIE, and the gif above
proves where that hoax came from.
and it's funny to watch the many ways the OP LOGFAG desperately tries to use DISINFORMATION
>he must've read mein kampf a few times
to hope he can distract others from his LIES
2 hours later 800013735 Anonymous
Only comeback is to call someone a nigger. Yeah you're an idiot with shit logic
2 hours later 800013766 Anonymous
what lie is op saying? she literally admitted that she started this meme
2 hours later 800013797 Anonymous
trying to cover for your hoax isn't working, faggot
2 hours later 800015117 Anonymous
hoax? nigger the truth is right there in front of you and you deny it.
go back to believing the earth is flat like your brain is
3 hours later 800016636 Anonymous
Because the autist who posts the Jason Sixx spam is mentally deficient enough to think he can get everyone to think she was the 1 doing it.
Not surprising for his level of retardation, at all.
3 hours later 800016806 Anonymous
3 hours later 800017204 Anonymous
Uh, yeah, you know why I'm not even going to search around with this? She has a life, while the spammers will clearly die of poverty shortly after their mommies and daddies do.
3 hours later 800017497 Anonymous
because she's not retarded.
greta is retarded.
3 hours later 800017590 Anonymous
Because she’s underage and /b/ loves children
3 hours later 800017651 Anonymous
Yea with boobs = Not
3 hours later 800017978 Anonymous
im unironically listening to her ocean eyes song lol lol !!!!
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