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2012-09-18 03:49 425765937 Anonymous (ShieldPenny.jpg 432x432 96kB)
Sup /b/ this a coin thread. Discuss coins you own, coins you like, coins you hate, getting rid of the penny, silver/gold bullion whatever.

1 min later 425766176 Anonymous
Two questions: Are they legit getting rid of the penny, because I've only heard rumors. Also, why is the 1888 silver dollar so worthless?

2 min later 425766265 Anonymous (VictoriaPenny.jpg 768x374 58kB)
A Brtitish Penny

2 min later 425766380 Anonymous (911flanders.jpg 357x432 63kB)
If I had my freaking coin collection, I'd tell you all about it. As it is, it's at my dad's.

5 min later 425766796 Anonymous (Canadian-2012-20-Silver-Farewell-to-the-Penny-Commemorative-Coin.jpg 388x371 37kB)
Personally I prefer silver and since you mentioned the penny here, Canada's silver coin in commemoration of their discontinuation of the penny also Captcha "the ecoreach"

6 min later 425766986 Anonymous
>>425766796 Nice bro. Too bad i'm American and my currency is backed by oil wars.

6 min later 425767043 Anonymous
>>425766796 forgot to say that I bought 3 of them, since you can only have 3 per household as there were only 200,000 made. Also only sold in Canada and the US

8 min later 425767413 Anonymous (GeorgeIII2pence.jpg 720x360 38kB)
A 1797 George III British two-pence coin, two motherfucking ounces of fine British copper. >425766176 Some politicians are lobbying to end it, a couple of bills have been rejected, and some more are being debated, one wants to make it worth 5 cents, one wants to make it from steel If I had to call it I'd say the USA probably will not get rid of it. Culturally you have a strong protective feel for your currency. The penny won't go for the same reason that the $1 coin won't replace the note. Eventually it'll have to go, currencies constantly inflate (this isn't bad when controlled) so one day the penny will just be too worthless.

8 min later 425767482 Anonymous (prodSilverEagle01.jpg 365x251 20kB)
>>425766986 Well I'm also American /b/ro which is probably why I like the American Silver Eagles so much. And yeah, well maybe the oil thing is unavoidable. Although by enlisting in the military I didn't really try to avoid it.

9 min later 425767717 Anonymous (pix1588.jpg 1600x1200 533kB)
in my pocket, 1903..

10 min later 425767747 Anonymous
>>425767482 I feel it. Military has a lot more benefits then people think.

12 min later 425768252 Anonymous (ZARShilling.jpg 1200x1200 188kB)
A Shilling from the Zuid Afrikan Republeik (Transvaal) The same size and silver content as it's British counterpart >425766176 >Also, why is the 1888 silver dollar so worthless? It should be at least worth the silver price and then some so about $35, but prices of coins like that depend on things like mint mark and mintage (I only assume it's high for this year)

14 min later 425768485 Anonymous
>>425767482 I personally don't support a silver/gold standard yet I love silver coins and billion, go figure.

16 min later 425768901 Anonymous
I have a large coin collection and it's all worthless. a bunch of old European currency mostly and a few south vietnamese dong. (lol dong XDDD)

16 min later 425768971 Anonymous (GeoII6D.jpg 589x287 64kB)
George II Sixpence, the oldest coin I own, this isn't a picture of it, mine is slightly more worn but still in excellent condition.

17 min later 425769012 Anonymous (apmex-silver-bar-10oz.jpg 332x251 73kB)
>>425767747 True, but honestly I joined after my college tuition ran out while I was working in a factory and couldn't stand the idea of taking out a student loan or working in the factory, plus I was only 19 and had little direction in life. The Marines helped a lot with that. Also I have some of these chilling in empty Ammo cans.

21 min later 425769807 Anonymous (new_zealand_half_crown_1937.jpg 380x200 72kB)
New Zealand1/2 Crown 50% silver, New Zealand used the same standard as British coinage and switched to cupro-nickel in 1947

23 min later 425770086 Anonymous (australia-1958-2s.jpg 640x322 46kB)
Australia however issued silver coinage right up until decimalization.

25 min later 425770456 Anonymous (1940detr.gif 425x425 133kB)
>>425769807 The version issued into 1940

27 min later 425771027 Anonymous (walkingliberty-half-dollar.jpg 800x400 138kB)
USA walking liberty half dollar, possibly the most beautiful American coin

29 min later 425771252 Anonymous
I've got at LEAST 50 bicentennials. I always make sure to hold on to em if I stumble upon one.

29 min later 425771301 Anonymous (PeaceDollar.jpg 585x300 45kB)
>>425771027 Peace Dollar, also very attractive.

30 min later 425771559 Anonymous
>>425771027 That eagle looks like a boss.

31 min later 425771736 Anonymous (1907 V nickel.jpg 693x306 68kB)
I found this, at work, the other day. I always go through the registers for old coins.

32 min later 425771896 Anonymous (1976-bicentennial-quarter.png 609x599 415kB)
>>425771252 That's one pretty attractive coin, Not so sure about the $1/2 dollar and Dollar version though.

33 min later 425772086 Anonymous
>>425771896 Nah, just the quarters myself. I really like the way they look.

34 min later 425772205 Anonymous (Half Dollar.jpg 600x550 68kB)

35 min later 425772430 Anonymous
Does it blow anyone elses' mind when they think of all of the things/hands that an old coin has been through? I love just sitting there holding a 100 year old coin.

36 min later 425772492 Anonymous (poppycoin1.jpg 405x330 35kB)
I'm rather fond of our circulation Poppy quarters, was also funny as hell when US intelligence agencies freaked out over finding them in their change, thinking they were eavesdropping devices.

37 min later 425772679 Anonymous (Mercury_dime.jpg 535x260 84kB)
found it on the ground at the park

37 min later 425772826 Anonymous
>>425772679 That is a pretty awesome coin. I love how people simply spend old coins. Not a lot of people notice when they have one.

37 min later 425772840 Anonymous
>>425766176 Jesus Christ, you must be 12. That fucking rumor goes back to the fucking 1960s.

37 min later 425772847 Anonymous (EisenhowerDollar.jpg 590x405 53kB)
>Implying the moon isn't the 51'st state

39 min later 425773067 Anonymous
well I enjoyed this thread but I have to go to bed. make another again later OP. Night guys. No.425772430 I know exactly what you mean.

40 min later 425773282 Anonymous
>>425771301 I've got a 1924 Peace. Beautiful. Bought it for $5 at a garage sale.

40 min later 425773294 Anonymous (mahcoins.jpg 2000x1500 1158kB)
coins you say ?

40 min later 425773338 Anonymous (Morgan.jpg 800x400 137kB)
Morgan dollar is best dollar

40 min later 425773429 Anonymous (N.A._5_CENT_1965_DUB.jpg 603x301 47kB)
>>425772205 The one with the liberty bell is very beautiful, I think I got that too, somewhere. I'm German and collect mostly bimetal coins, the Euro currency has a fuckton of them. But my favourite in my collection is this one, see pic. Got mine out of a mixture bag.

41 min later 425773448 Anonymous
>>425772679 ok last post, yes I love pre 1964 silver dimes and quarters. When I bought my M4 this past summer at a gun show the man that gave me my change back gave me a 1964 silver dime in my change, so basically I got $2.50 back for free, it was pretty cool. I got paid to buy a rifle haha

41 min later 425773498 Anonymous
>>425773294 Holy shit. Lol. Have you ever had any of those looked at by a professional?

42 min later 425773746 Anonymous
>>425773498 sorry nope

43 min later 425773918 Anonymous (Germany-M20-1900-600.jpg 600x313 222kB)
>>425772430 Seen the empire that created it fall, become the hardest hit during the depression, rise up once more, fall again, divided in two, re-united.

43 min later 425773947 Anonymous

45 min later 425774234 Anonymous (2012-09-17 22.34.44.jpg 1280x720 305kB)
Found this a few days ago, Picture is shit, so it's a 1939 German 2 Reichspfennig coin. I think it's bronze

47 min later 425774616 Anonymous
>>425774234 catalogue says it's bronze, yes.

47 min later 425774709 Anonymous (NewZealandStamp-1p-1901.jpg 495x599 73kB)
>>425773947 >Collect coins, banknotes, stamps and whiskey decanters U mad?

50 min later 425775127 Anonymous
>>425774709 I'm collecting bolts.

50 min later 425775248 Anonymous
i got sum osterreich gold, 2000 schillings, 1 oz philharmonics

51 min later 425775352 Anonymous (France_1916_Sower_1Franc.jpg 685x367 60kB)
>>425771027 Familiar

51 min later 425775361 Anonymous
>>425773294 oldest is a 1789 goerge washington token http://www.cointalk.com/t39274/

52 min later 425775627 Anonymous
>>425774709 >Ass-burgers-showdown You win bro, I submit, I submit.

59 min later 425776837 Anonymous

2.945 0.089