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2020-03-18 04:21 22002934 Anonymous How do i get out of the friendzone? (FDG_MephilesCrystal.png 1084x1080 1187kB)

2 min later 22002944 Anonymous
>>22002934 You don't. If that bothers you, drop her as a friend, too.

5 min later 22002955 Anonymous
Speaking as a 29 year old whose best friend has been in love with her since 2007... You don't. Ever. Feelings are instinctual. They're either there or they aren't. If I say no to someone once, I'll say no to them always.

9 min later 22002971 Anonymous
Short answer: don't bother Long answer: it's a fucking long haul, and if you don't resent her by the end of it (you have to do a lot of sort of breaking her down to the point where it's almost a science experiment) you will be disappointed in the outcomes. It is a LONG and involved process and has to be done strategically to make it way more subtle than you're probably capable of. Just do what you got to do to move on and if you have to have someone around, start looking in other places for more compatible people

10 min later 22002973 Anonymous
Doesn't matter because of coronavirus

14 min later 22002988 Anonymous (jrtniuou1p341.jpg 482x427 75kB)
>>22002934 Get her drunk and pray she gets an attraction and it carries over into her sober life. Otherwise every post before this is dead on

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