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2018-12-19 12:24 20366535 Anonymous (lifebuzz-b28877ee76476d16d4c1a160470257a4-limit_2000.jpg 700x1073 81kB)
Can somebody give autist their full tinder routine from a to z? Nothing works for me...

34 min later 20366575 Anonymous
"XYZ in your profile is interesting." "Yeah" "Have you ever TANGENTIAL ACTIVITY" "No" "Why?" CONVERSATION STARTS HERE The ice you need to break on online dating apps is much thicker than it is face-to-face, where you can break the ice with a smile and a kind remark. If you can exchange 3 or 4 messages to get her to a WHY question, you'll find out whether or not she's interested. If she gives you a shitty answer or doesn't respond in 2 days, ask her if she wants to go on a date right away. This will save you from wasting your efforts on some slunt.

50 min later 20366610 Anonymous
>>20366535 To start a conversation it is important that you know how to follow it up. That is why it is necessary for you to direct the conversation so that you can choose topics that you are knowledgeable about. See, I typically ask "Have you heard about the atomic black pill?". Girls typically don't know about these topics so they'll say "No lol what is it????" and then we have like 2-3 hours of conversation.

1 hours later 20366781 Anonymous
>>20366610 Tried it already with the topic of jews but she isn't responding for quite a while now.

3 hours later 20367018 Anonymous (91a.png 861x608 7kB)
>>20366781 >Tried it already with the topic of jews

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