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2018-03-04 05:38 19321001 Anonymous Help me stop being me (15201380887211711088054.jpg 2576x1932 1454kB)
I seem to cling onto someone I have interest in, it's gotten better over time but I get super sad when we're not talking and I hate that I am like this. What do I even do, he has work of course, he has a social life and It annoys me if we just say "hey, what's up" every other day. Maybe once a week we have an engaging conversation. Why am I like this..

36 min later 19321118 Anonymous
>>19321001 get a hobby

9 hours later 19322123 Anonymous
>>19321001 >Help me stop being me You're like this because you're not you lol. If you knew who you were then you wouldn't need anyone like that

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